Leadership | Communication | Creativity | Emotional intelligence | Cultural intelligence
most representative publications
- Can conservatives who (de) humanize immigrants the most be able to support them? The power of imagined positive contact, I Borinca, P Çelik, M Storme, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 2022.
- Individual Differences in Within-Person Variability in Personality Positively Predict Economic Gains and Satisfaction in Negotiations, P Celik, M Storme, N Myszkowski, Group Decision and Negotiation, 1-20, 2022.
- Beyond the tipping point: the curvilinear relationships of transformational leadership, leader–member exchange, and emotional exhaustion in the French police, M Molines, A El Akremi, M Storme, P Celik, Public Management Review 24 (1), 80-105, 2022.
- Creativity and unethicality: A systematic review and meta-analysis., M Storme, P Celik, N Myszkowski, Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 15 (4), 664, 2021.
- What could be My Next Job? Using Flat Information Structures to Generate Creative Future Career Ideas, A Schilling, P Celik, M Storme, The Journal of Creative Behavior 55 (1), 53-62, 2021.
- Cultural self-efficacy increases creativity in bicultural dyads: Evidence from two dyadic divergent thinking tasks, A Camargo, P Çelik, M Storme, Thinking Skills and Creativity 38, 100725, 2020.
- Commentary on Corradi et al.’s (2019) new conception of aesthetic sensitivity: Is the ability conception dead?, N Myszkowski, P Çelik, M Storme, British Journal of Psychology 111 (4), 659-662, 2020.
- A forgotten antecedent of career adaptability: A study on the predictive role of within-person variability in personality, M Storme, P Celik, N Myszkowski, Personality and Individual Differences 160, 109936, 2020.
- Further investigation of the relationship between cultural intelligence and expatriate career intentions, A Camargo, M Storme, P Çelik, International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance 20 (1), 101-122, 2020.