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FAQ about doctoral activities
Which are the steps for enrolment in a PhD thesis?
After the Master years, the Doctoral School decides about the admission to the CEBRIG PhD Program. In order to be admitted to the Doctoral School, a student must have finished her/his course work with an average grade of at least 14 (which roughly compares to a grade of B+ in the American system), and a minimum grade of 12 in each individual course. Furthermore, one of the CEBRIG members must be willing to supervise the student.
Applicants must complete an admission file (you can download it here). Only complete application files will be considered.
Applicants must complete an admission file (you can download it here). Only complete application files will be considered.
I already have a master degree, can I enroll in the CEBRIG Doctoral School program?
It is a prerequisite. Having a master degree equivalent to 120 ECTS and with a quantitative level similar to ours are the two requirements for admissibility in either the Doctoral Training year or the thesis writing phase.
Full Programme of Doctoral Training
The full programme of the doctoral training is available here. Please note that some courses are taught in French, the others in English.