CEBRIG members are indicated by a star (*) after their name for multiple authors’ publications.
- Ahmad S., R. Lensink* and A. Mueller, “Boosting Survey Response Rates by Announcing Undefined Lottery Prizes in Invitation Email Subject Lines Evidence from a Global Randomized Controlled Trial”, Survey Research Methods, 16, 2, pp. 165-206.
- Abramovsky L., B. Augsburg*, M. Lührmann, F. Oteiza and J.P. Rud, "Community matters: Heterogeneous impacts of a sanitation intervention", World Development, 165, 106197, pp. 1-24.
- Accominotti O., T. Albers and K. Oosterlinck*, "Selective Default Expectations", The Review of Financial Studies, pp. 1-37.
- Accominotti O., T. Albers, P. Kessler and K. Oosterlinck*, "Sovereign defaults and international trade: Germany and its creditors in the 1930s", Journal of Historical Political Economy, 3, 4, pp. 459-500, forthcoming.
- Afzali A., M. Martikainen, L. Oxelheim and T. Randøy*, "On the role of internationalization of firm‐level corporate governance: The case of audit committees", Corporate Governance: an international review, 31, 5, pp. 737-758.
- Ahmad S., R. Lensink* and A. Mueller, "Religion, social desirability bias and financial inclusion: Evidence from a list experiment on Islamic (micro-) finance", Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 38, 100795.
- Ahmad S., R. Lensink* and A. Mueller, "Uptake, use, and impact of Islamic savings: Evidence from a field experiment in Pakistan", Journal of Development Economics, 163, 103098.
- Al Dahdah M., Lainez N. and I. Guérin*, "L’argent numérique, une nouvelle solution de développement", Réseaux, 2, pp. 153-179.
- Alcid A., E. Bulte*, R. Lensink*, A. Sayinzoga and M. Treurniet, "Short-and Medium-term Impacts of Employability Training: Evidence from a Randomised Field Experiment in Rwanda", Journal of African Economies, 32, 3, pp. 296-328.
- Amaral-Garcia S., L. Dalla Pellegrina* and N. Garoupa, "Consensus and Ideology in Courts: An Application to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council", Review of Law & Economics, 19, 2, pp. 151-184.
- Andrew A., O. Attanasio, B. Augsburg*, J. Behrman, M. Day, P. Jervis, C. Meghir, and A. Phimister, "Mothers’ Social Networks and Socioeconomic Gradients of Isolation", Economic Development and Cultural Change, forthcoming.
- Aouni* Z., M. Hudon*, A. Périlleux* and T. Wry, "Crowdfunding social ventures: who rewards (or punishes) hybridity?", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, forthcoming.
- Apriliyanti I.D., Dieleman, M. and T. Randøy*, "Multiple‐Principal Demands and CEO Compliance in Emerging Market State‐Owned Enterprises", Journal of Management Studies, forthcoming.
- Arvanitis S., O. Scaillet* and N. Topaloglou, "Spanning analysis of stock market anomalies under Prospect Stochastic Dominance", Management Science, 0, 0.
- Ashim K.K. & R. Bali Swain*, "Does financial inclusion improve energy accessibility in Sub-Saharan Africa?", Applied Economics, forthcoming.
- Ashta A., "How Can Fintech Companies Get Involved in the Environment?", Sustainability, 15, 13, p. 10675.
- Ashta* A. and V. Mogha, "Les risques liés à l’innovation: Le cas de l’intelligence artificielle", Technol. Innov, 8, pp. 1-14.
- Ashta* A., and N. Parekh, "Community Leadership at a Hindu Non-Profit Organization Leads to Outperforming in Indian Microfinance Market", Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 16, 3, 176.
- Ashta. A, "Using Recent News and Mapping to Teach Real Estate Finance", a₹tha, pp. 1-11.
- Augsburg* B., B. Malde, H. Olorenshaw, Z. Wahhaj, "To invest or not to invest in sanitation: The role of intra-household gender differences in perceptions and bargaining power", Journal of Development Economics, 162, 3, 103074.
- Augsburg* B., J. Baquero, S. Gautam and R.L. Paul, "Sanitation and marriage markets in India: Evidence from the Total Sanitation Campaign", Journal of Development Economics, 163, 103092.
- Augsburg* B., B. Caeyers, S. Giunti, B. Malde and S. Smets, "Labeled loans and human capital investments", Journal of Development Economics, 162, 103053.
- Avaro M., "Essays in monetary history", European Review of Economic History, 27, 4, pp. 641-643.
- Babbar K. and S. Garikipati*, "What socio-demographic factors support disposable vs. sustainable menstrual choices? Evidence from India’s National Family Health Survey-5", Plos one, 18, 8, e0290350.
- Bakalli G., D.A. Cucci, A. Radi, N. El-Sheimy, R. Molinari, O. Scaillet* and S. Guerrier, "Multi-Signal Approaches for Repeated Sampling Schemes in Inertial Sensor Calibration", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 71, pp. 1103-1114.
- Bakalli G., S. Guerrier and O. Scaillet*, "A penalized two-pass regression to predict stock returns with time-varying risk premia", Journal of Econometrics, 237, 2.
- Balemba* K., D. Bugandwa, D. Mungu Akonkwa, P. Murhula and W. Bitakuya, "Satisfaction des employés de contact dans les institutions de Microfinance : développement et validation d'une échelle de mesure", Finance Contrôle Stratégie, 26.
- Balew S., E. Bulte*, Z. Abro and M. Kassie, "Incentivizing and nudging farmers to spread information: Experimental evidence from Ethiopia", American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 105, 3, pp. 994-1010.
- Batut C., A. Garnero* and A. Tondini, "The employment effects of working time reductions: Sector‐level evidence from European reforms", Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society, 62, 3, pp. 217-232.
- Bédécarrats F., F. Dazet, I. Guérin*, M. Razafindrakoto and F. Roubaud, "Tracking the cost of living, for whom and at what price? A political economy of price indicators in Madagascar", International Sociology, 38, 6, pp. 684-703.
- Beisland L.A., S. Zamore and R. Mersland*, "Does It Pay to be Green? A Study of the Global Microfinance Industry", Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 52, 3, pp. 631-653.
- Bellavitis C., M. Deloof, I. Filatotchev, N. Hermes* and I. Paeleman, "Do old theories fit new contexts? New perspectives on corporate governance in entrepreneurial firms", Venture Capital, 25, 2, pp. 117-133.
- Bennouri M., A. Cozarenco* and S.A. Nyarko*, "Women on Boards and Performance Trade-offs in Social Enterprises: Insights from Microfinance", Journal of Business Ethics, 190, pp. 165-198, forthcoming.
- Bertrams K., "The Various Meanings of Diversification: UCB and its Transformation into a Biopharma Company (1928-2008)", Journal of Belgian History, 3.
- Bertrand J. and A. Burietz*, "(Loan) price and (loan officer) prejudice", Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 210, pp. 26-42.
- Bertrand J. and L. Weill*, "Too sunny to borrow: Sunshine and borrower discouragement", Research in International Business and Finance, 65, 101988.
- Bjorvatn T. and T. Randøy*, "The “costs of doing business abroad” in a cross-border context characterised by extreme political volatility", Review of International Business and Strategy, 33, 5, pp. 855-868.
- Bossuyt E., B. D’Espallier* and R. Mersland*, "Profit-Generating Entities or Cash-Management Vehicles? Unpacking the Financial Performance of Savings Groups Worldwide", Journal of Alternative Finance, 1, 1, 27533743231201771.
- Brengman* M. and K. Willems, "Robots and AI in retailing and consumer services", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 70, 103177.
- Brengman* M., K. Willems, L. De Gauquier and B. Vanderborght, "Media richness effectiveness: Humanoid robots with or without voice, or just a tablet kiosk?", Psychology & Marketing, 41, 4, pp. 734-753.
- Brière* M., K. Huynh, O. Laudy and S. Pouget, "Stock market reaction to news: Do tense and horizon matter?", Finance Research Letters, 58, 104630.
- Bulte* E. and R. Lensink, "Why agricultural insurance may slow down agricultural development", American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 105, 4, pp. 1197-1220.
- Bulte* E., S. Di Falco, M. Kassie and X. Vollenweider, "Low-quality seeds, labor supply and economic returns: Experimental evidence from Tanzania", The Review of Economics and Statistics, pp. 1-33.
- Burietz* A. and M. Picault, "To lend or not to lend? The ECB as the ‘intermediary of last resort’", Economic Modelling, 122, 106228.
- Burietz* A., S. Ongena and M. Picault, "Taxing banks leverage and syndicated lending: A cross-country comparison", International Review of Law and Economics, 73, p. 106103.
- Caballero-Montes T., "Integrating market conditions into regulatory decisions on microfinance interest rates: does competition matter?", Annals of Finance, vol 19, 2, pp. 201-232.
- Caballero-Montes T., "The relationship between financial and social performances in microfinance: Insights from the provision of agricultural loans in Cambodia", Savings and Development, 46.
- Calò F., F. Scognamiglio, E. Bellazzecca and E. Ongaro*, "Social innovation during turbulent times: a systematic literature review and research agenda", Public Management Review, pp. 1-25.
- Cambini C., E. Grinza* and L. Sabatino, "Ultra-fast broadband access and productivity: Evidence from Italian firms", International Journal of Industrial Organization, 86, 102901.
- Cecchi F., E. Voermans and R. Lensink*, "The Origins of Optimism: A Lab-in-the-Field Experiment among Microfinance Clients in Bolivia", Economic Development and Cultural Change, 72, 1, pp. 389-421.
- Charpin A., A. Szafarz* and I. Tojerow*, "Female corporate owners and Female CEOs", Economics Letters, 232, 111285.
- Chisanga B., E. Bulte*, M. Kassie, C. Mutero, F. Masaninga and O.P. Sangoro, "The economic impacts of house screening against malaria transmission: Experimental evidence from eastern Zambia", Social Science & Medicine, 321, 115778.
- Corade N., M. Lemarié-Boutry, K. Maréchal*, and J. Noel, "Les systèmes alimentaires et agricoles territorialisés: des leviers vers la transition?", Économie rurale, pp. 9-15.
- Corsi* M. and G. Zacchia, "Teaching Heterodox Economics in a Feminist Perspective by Using Students’ Written Diaries on Consumption", Review of Political Economy, 35, 3, pp. 634-649.
- Cossey J., T. Dedeurwaerdere and A. Périlleux*, "Inherently unstable? Scaling, mission drift, and the comparative performance of community-based platforms in the sharing economy", Ecological Economics, 212, 107927.
- Cultrera* L., F. Rycx*, G. Santosuosso and G. Vermeylen*, "The over-education wage penalty among PhD holders: a European perspective", Education Economics, pp. 1-23.
- D’Espallier* B., M. Hudon*, S. Khavul and A. Szafarz*, "Donors Talk: The Signaling and Imprinting Effects of Giving to Social Enterprises", Finance, forthcoming.
- Dalla Pellegrina* L., G. Di Maio, D. Masciandaro and M. Saraceno, "Are Bankers “Crying Wolf”? Type I, Type II Errors and Deterrence in Anti-Money Laundering: The Italian Case", Italian Economic Journal, 9, 2, pp. 587-615.
- David G., C. Huemer and K. Oosterlinck*, "Art dealers’ inventory strategy: the case of Goupil, Boussod & Valadon from 1860 to 1914", Business History, 65, 1, pp. 24-55.
- De Beyssat C.D., D.S. Greenwald* and K. Oosterlinck*, "Measuring nepotism and sexism in artistic recognition: the awarding of medals at the Paris Salon, 1850–1880", Journal of Cultural Economics, 47, 3, pp. 407-436.
- De Brouwer* O., E. Leduc* and I. Tojerow*, "The consequences of job search monitoring for the long-term unemployed: Disability instead of employment?", Journal of Public Economics, 224, 104929.
- De Gauquier L., K. Willems, H.L. Cao, B. Vanderborght and M. Brengman*, "Together or alone: Should service robots and frontline employees collaborate in retail-customer interactions at the POS?", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 70, 103176.
- De Vriese D., M. Brengman*, F. Leroy and W. Ryckbosch, "Is it the cow that sells the steak, or the sizzle? Using animal images to sell meat in mid-nineteenth-century Belgium", Food, Culture & Society, 26, 1, pp. 145-166.
- Dela Cruz N.A., A.C.B. Villanueva, L.A. Tolin, S. Disse, R. Lensink* and H. White, "PROTOCOL: Effects of interventions to improve access to financial services for micro‐, small‐and medium‐sized enterprises in low‐and middle‐income countries: An evidence and gap map", Campbell Systematic Reviews, 19, 3, e1341.
- Dhungana B.R., R. Chapagain and A. Ashta*, "Alternative strategies of for-profit, not-for-profit and state-owned Nepalese microfinance institutions for poverty alleviation and women empowerment", Cogent Economics & Finance, vol 11, 2, 2233778.
- Dissaux T., "Geographies of Monetary Exclusion in Kenyan Slums: Financial Inclusion in Question", Development and Change, 54, 1, pp. 87-116.
- Dissaux T. and M. Duval, "L’argent numérique des banquiers centraux. L’euro entre évolution et révolution", Réseaux, 238-239, 2-3, pp. 75-117.
- Djan K.O., S.A. Nyarko*, R. Mersland*, L.A. Beisland and L. Nakato, "Influence of international ownership on the performance of local social enterprises: Evidence from the global microfinance industry", Strategic Change, 32, 2-3, pp. 53-71.
- Dorfleitner* G. and L. Hornuf, "FinTech and the Digital Transformation in the Financial Industry", Credit and Capital Markets, 56, 1, pp. 1-3.
- Dorfleitner* G. and S. Utz, "Green, green, it’s green they say: a conceptual framework for measuring greenwashing on firm level", Review of Managerial Science, pp. 1-24.
- Dorfleitner* G., J. Eckberg and S. Utz, "Greenness ratings and green bond liquidity", Finance Research Letters, 55, A, 103869.
- Dorfleitner* G., L. Hornuf and J. Kreppmeier, "Promise not fulfilled: FinTech, data privacy, and the GDPR", Electronic Markets, 33, 33.
- Dorfleitner* G., L. Hornuf and M. Weber, "Paralyzed by shock: the portfolio formation behavior of peer-to-business lending investors", Review of Managerial Science, 17, 3, pp. 1037-1073.
- Dorfleitner* G., J. Kreppmeier and R. Laschinger, "German FinTech Companies: A Market Overview and Volume Estimates", Credit and Capital Markets–Kredit und Kapital, 1, pp. 103-118.
- Du Caju P., G. Périlleux*, F. Rycx* and I. Tojerow*, "A bigger house at the cost of an empty stomach? The effect of households’ indebtedness on their consumption: micro-evidence using Belgian HFCS data", Review of Economics of the Household, 21, 1, pp. 291-333.
- Dupont C., R. Giuliano and C. Godfroid*, "Teleworking, task sharing, and work life balance: A gender issue? Theoretical approach", Journal of Economics and Management, 45, pp. 374-412.
- Dutertre E. and C. Fouillet*, "Post-lockdown loneliness and social isolation among French students", International Journal of Educational Management, 38, 1, pp. 21-39.
- Duvendack M., L. Sonne and S. Garikipati*, "Gender inclusivity of India’s digital financial revolution for attainment of SDGs: Macro achievements and the micro experiences of targeted initiatives", The European Journal of Development Research, pp. 1-23.
- Duvivier* F. and G. Gupta, "Unleashing Digital Agility: A Review of Literature on Agile Responses to Digital Challenges", Journal of Global Information Management, 31, 8, pp. 1-22.
- Euwe J. and K. Oosterlinck*, "The German art market during WW II", European Review of Economic History, 27, 3, pp. 412–436.
- Fall F.S., H. Tchakoute Tchuigoua*, A. Vanhems and L. Simar, "Investigating the unobserved heterogeneity effect on outreach to women: lessons from microfinance institutions", Annals of Operations Research, 328, pp. 1365-1386.
- Fays* V., B. Mahy and F. Rycx*, "Wage differences according to workers' origin: The role of working more upstream in GVCs", LABOUR, 37, 2, pp. 319-342.
- Fhima F., R. Nouira and K. Sekkat*, '"How does corruption affect sustainable development? A threshold non-linear analysis", Economic Analysis and Policy, 78, pp. 505-523.
- Fontenay* S., T. Murphy and I. Tojerow*, "Child penalties across industries: why job characteristics matter", Applied Economics Letters, 30, 4, pp. 488-495.
- François A., S. Panel and L. Weill*, "Dictators’ facial characteristics and foreign direct investment", The Leadership Quarterly, 34, 2, 101644.
- Fungáčová Z., A. Karas, L. Solanko and L. Weill*, "The politics of bank failures in Russia", Post-Soviet Affairs, 39, 6, pp. 440-461.
- Fungáčová Z., E. Kerola and L. Weill*, "Does bank efficiency affect the bank lending channel in China?", Emerging Markets Review, 55, 100964.
- Fungáčová Z., K. Schoors, L. Solanko and L. Weill*, "Staying on top: Political cycles in private bank lending", Journal of Comparative Economics, 51, 3, pp. 899-917.
- Gagliardi* N., E. Grinza* and F. Rycx*, "Workers’ tenure and firm productivity: New evidence from matched employer‐employee panel data", Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society, 62, 1, pp. 3-33.
- Giolito* V. and D. Golsorkhi, "“We made a mistake”: How top executives dialectically narrate strategic errors in situations of strategic change", Strategic Organization, 14761270231195295.
- Giuliano R., C. Godfroid* and L. Radermecker*, "Staff turnover and organizational performance: The case of a microfinance organization", Journal of Economics and Management, 45, pp. 413-440.
- Godfroid* C. and M. Labie*, "The process of organizational identification in social enterprises: The role of coalitions", European Management Review, 20, 4, pp. 783–793.
- Guérin I., "Political Work and Social Reproduction in India and Beyond", Sociological Bulletin, 72, 1, pp. 97-103.
- Gutiérrez-Nieto* B., C. Ortiz and L. Vicente, "A bibliometric analysis of the disposition effect: Origins and future research avenues", Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 37, 100774.
- Hartarska* V., J. Zhang, and D.A. Nadolnyak, "Scope economies from rural and urban microfinance services", Southern Economic Journal, 89, 4, pp. 1138-1167.
- Hartley J., E. Ongaro*, K. Quick and E. Schröter, "Public management and policing: a dialectical inquiry", Public Management Review, 25, 9, pp. 1711-1729.
- Hassouni* A. and H. Pirotte*, "Beyond mean–variance: assessing hedge fund performance in a non-parametric world", Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, 36, 4, pp. 473-488.
- Hearn B., L. Oxelheim and T. Randøy*, "The impact of indigenous culture and business group affiliation on corporate governance of African firms", Corporate Governance: an international review, pp. 1–25.
- Hearn B., L. Oxelheim and T. Randøy*, "The influence of business groups on board composition in offshore financial multinational enterprises", International Business Review, 32, 3, 102084.
- Hellemans J., K. Willems and M. Brengman*, "Covid-19 and mobile payment in Belgium: Closing the digital divide or just for the young, social, and impulsive?", Electronic Commerce Research, 23, 3, pp. 1539-1564.
- Hensmans M., "Winning the innovation game in emerging markets", Journal of Business Strategy, 44, 4, pp. 219-227.
- Heyert A. and L. Weill*, "Never forget, never forgive: the impact of inflation on trust in banks", Applied Economics, pp. 1-19.
- Heyert A. and L. Weill*, "The gender gap in trust in Banks", Research in International Business and Finance, 66, 102032.
- Hossain S., Galbreath J., M.M. Hasan and T. Randøy*, "All in the family? The impact of founder directors and family governance on microfinance institutions' social performance", Corporate Governance: An International Review, 32, 2, pp. 249–274.
- Ishak W.P. and P.-G. Méon*, "A resource-rich neighbor is a misfortune: The spatial distribution of the resource curse in Brazil", Economic Development and Cultural Change, 71, 4, pp. 1213-1247.
- Jackson K.T., "Questioning Shareholder Welfare Maximization: A Virtue Theoretic Perspective", Humanistic Management Journal, 8, 3, pp. 255-286.
- Jacobs* V., K. Pineda-Hernández*, F. Rycx* and M. Volral, "Does over-education raise productivity and wages equally? The moderating role of workers’ origin and immigrants’ background", Education Economics, 31, 6, pp. 698-724.
- Janz T., B. Augsburg*, F. Gassmann and Z. Nimeh, "Leaving no one behind: Urban poverty traps in Sub-Saharan Africa", 172, World Development, 106388.
- Jiang C., D.L. Vecchia, E. Ronchetti and O. Scaillet*, "Saddlepoint approximations for spatial panel data models", Journal of the American Statistical Association, 118, 542, pp. 1164-1175.
- Jin R., G. Hoang, T.P. Nguyen, P.T. Nguyen, Le T.T., V.P. La,... and Q.H. Vuong*, "An analytical framework-based pedagogical method for scholarly community coaching: A proof of concept", MethodsX, 10, 102082.
- Jin R., Le T.T., M.H. Nguyen and Q.H. Vuong*, "Examining the Influence of Exploration and Parental Education Attainment on Students’ Acceptance of Collectivist Values", European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education, 13, 7, pp. 1269-1292.
- Jin R., Le T.T., T.T. Vuong, T.P. Nguyen, G. Hoang, M.H. Nguyen and Q.H. Vuong*, "A gender study of food stress and implications for international students acculturation", World, 4, 1, pp. 80-94.
- Kahsay G.A., E. Bulte*, F. Alpizar, L.G. Hansen and H. Medhin, "Leadership accountability in community-based forest management: experimental evidence in support of governmental oversight", Ecology and Society, vol 28, 4.
- Kanyurhi* E., D. Bugandwa, P. Murhula* and W. Bitakuya, "Frontline Employees' Job Satisfaction in Microfinance Institutions : Scale Development and Validation", Finance Contrôle Stratégie, 26.
- Karimu A. and R.B. Swain*, "Implication of electricity taxes and levies on Sustainable Development Goals in the European Union", Energy Policy, 177, 113553.
- Kavadis N., N. Hermes*, J. Oehmichen, A. Zattoni and S. Fainshmidt, "Sustainable value creation in multinational enterprises: The role of corporate governance actors", Journal of World Business, 59, 1, 101503.
- Kesonga Nsele M., T. Dogot and K. Maréchal*, "Unraveling the role of informal mutual aid networks in maintaining urban farms in Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo", Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7.
- Kivalya* N.Y.I. and T. Caballero-Montes*, "Understanding the dimensions of women entrepreneurs’ empowerment: a systematic review of the microfinance literature and avenues for research", International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, forthcoming.
- Kleinlogel E.P., M.S. Mast, L.A. Renier*, M. Bachmann and T. Brosch, "Immersive virtual reality helps to promote pro-environmental norms, attitudes and behavioural strategies", Cleaner and Responsible Consumption, 8, 100105.
- Kleinlogel E.P., L.A. Renier*, M. Schmid, D.B. MastJayagopi and K. Shubham, "From low invasiveness to high control: how artificial intelligence allows to generate a large pool of standardized corpora at a lesser cost", Frontiers in Computer Science, 5, 1069352.
- Kocabasoglu‐Hillmer C., S. Roden, E. Vanpoucke*, B.G. Son and M.W. Lewis, "Radical innovations as supply chain disruptions? A paradox between change and stability", Journal of Supply Chain Management, 59, 3, pp. 3-19.
- Kocabasoglu-Hillmer C., E. Vanpoucke*, B.G. Son, and S. Roden, "Seeing with fresh eyes–the potential of paradox theory to explore persistent, interdependent tensions in supply chains", International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 43, 11, pp. 1669-1689.
- Kopala M.R., A. Ashta*, S. Mor and N. Parekh, "The Co-Evolution of India’s Policy on Science, Technology, and Innovation with University Education: The Need for Innovation in Higher Educational Institutions", Space and Culture, India, 11, 2, pp. 6-17.
- Kos D. and R. Lensink*, "Do smallholder farmers prefer commitment or flexibility in pension savings accounts? A randomised experiment of cocoa farmers in Ghana", Journal of Pension Economics & Finance, 22, 1, pp. 23-37.
- Kos D., R. Lensink* and M. Meuwissen, "The role of social capital in adoption of risky versus less risky subsidized input supplies: An empirical study of cocoa farmers in Ghana", Journal of Rural Studies, 97, pp. 140-152.
- Kreppmeier J., R. Laschinger, B. I. Steininger and G. Dorfleitner*, "Real Estate Security Token Offerings and the Secondary Market: Driven by Crypto Hype or Fundamentals?", Journal of Banking & Finance, 106940.
- Kuk G., C. Meyer* and S. Giamporcaro, "Complementary currencies and entrepreneurship: Sustaining micro-entrepreneurs in Kenyan informal settlements", Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 18, 1, pp. 21–54.
- La Vecchia D., A. Moor and O. Scaillet*, "A higher-order correct fast moving-average bootstrap for dependent data", Journal of Econometrics, 235, 1, pp. 65-81.
- Lacroix J., "Ballots instead of bullets? The effect of the voting rights act on political violence", Journal of the European Economic Association, 21, 2, pp. 764-813.
- Lacroix* J., P.G. Méon*, and K. Oosterlinck*, "Political Dynasties in Defense of Democracy: The Case of France’s 1940 Enabling Act", The Journal of Economic History, 83, 2, pp. 359-397.
- Lagios* C., N. Lagios*, F. Stinglhamber and G. Caesens, "Predictors and consequences of work alienation in times of crisis: Evidence from two longitudinal studies during the COVID-19 pandemic", Current Psychology, 42, 26, pp. 22866-22880.
- Lagios* N. and P.G. Méon, "Experts, Information, Reviews, and Coordination: Evidence on How Prizes Affect Sales", The Journal of Industrial Economics, 72, pp. 49-80.
- Laméris M.D., P.G. Méon* and A.M. van Prooijen, "What have we done?! The impact of economics on the beliefs and values of business students", Journal of Business Economics, 93, 3, pp.433-483.
- Laureti* C. and A. Szafarz*, "Banking regulation and costless commitment contracts for time-inconsistent agents", Economic Modelling, 129, p. 106536.
- Lavanchy M., P. Reichert*, J. Narayanan and K. Savani, "Applicants’ fairness perceptions of algorithm-driven hiring procedures", Journal of Business Ethics, pp. 1-26.
- Lavandier F., E. Busson, M.J. Champigny, A. Gibory, C. Goethals*, J. Goupil, S. Planchaud, R. Hankard and A. De Luca, "Protocole de coopération interprofessionnelle sur le diagnostic et la prise en charge de la dénutrition en centre hospitalier à tous les âges de la vie", Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme, 37, 2, 2, 40.
- Maebe L., M. Dufrêne, H. Claessens, K. Maréchal*, G. Ligot and C. Messier, "The Navigate framework: How the ecosystem services and resilience concepts can help us navigate in the current crises", Ecosystem Services, 64, 101570.
- Mantello P., M.T. Ho, M.H. Nguyen and Q.H. Vuong*, "Bosses without a heart: socio-demographic and cross-cultural determinants of attitude toward Emotional AI in the workplace", AI & society, 38, 1, pp. 97-119.
- Mantello P., M.T. Ho, M.H. Nguyen and Q.H. Vuong*, "Machines that feel: behavioral determinants of attitude towards affect recognition technology—upgrading technology acceptance theory with the mindsponge model", Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10, 1, pp. 1-16.
- Marcigliano A., S. Ragozino and M. Corsi*, "Is Brussels a ‘Care city’? A gender investigation on the effects of the public transportation system on carers’ lives", Scienze del Territorio, 11, 2, pp. 53-72.
- Martin F., S. Mertens de Wilmars, and K. Maréchal*, "Unlocking the potential of income and wealth caps in post-growth transformation: A framework for improving policy design", Ecological Economics, 208, 107788.
- Méon P.G., "Does the empirical trust literature tell us how to restore trust?", Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 26, 4, pp. 593-600.
- Meyer* C. and K. Naicker, "Collective intellectual property of Indigenous peoples and local communities: Exploring power asymmetries in the rooibos geographical indication and industry-wide benefit-sharing agreement", Research Policy, 52, 9, 104851.
- Mia M.A., L. Dalla Pellegrina*, W.Y. Wong and S. Sangwan, "Gender pay gap in the microfinance industry: A global perspective", Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 00, pp. 1–28.
- Molinari* L., E. Haezendonck and V. Mabillard*, "Cost overruns of Belgian transport infrastructure projects: Analyzing variations over three land transport modes and two project phases", Transport Policy, 134, pp. 167-179.
- Moore E., K. Brandl, J. Doh and C. Meyer*, "Natural-resources-seeking FDI and employment opportunities in developing countries: a temporal perspective", International Journal of Development Issues.
- Morvant* S., M.-A. Bertoli, S. Clerc, M. Rees and H. Saiag, "Dettes de survie versus dettes d’accumulation : la financiarisation au prisme des inégalités sociales en Suisse", Revue Française de Socio-Économie, 30, pp. 219-244.
- Moshtari M., G. Zaefarian and E. Vanpouke*, "How Stakeholder Pressure Affects the Effectiveness of International-Local NGO Collaboration in Localization of Humanitarian Aid", Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, forthcoming.
- Myagmar B., R. Lensink* and W. Heijman, "Does microfinance cause banking sector development and economic growth? An application to Mongolia", Handbook of Microfinance, Financial Inclusion and Development, pp. 425-448.
- Myszkowski N., M. Storme and P. Çelik*, "One common factor, four resources, both, or neither: a network model of career adaptability resources", Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 56, 3, pp. 209-224.
- Neiburg F., I. Guérin* and S. Narotzky, "Cost of living: Expert concepts and everyday efforts in unstable landscapes", International Sociology, 38, 6, pp. 601-609.
- Nguyen M.H., M.P.T. Duong, M.C. Nguyen, N. Mutai, R. Jin, P.T. Nguyen, ... and Q.H. Vuong*, "Promoting stakeholders’ support for marine protection policies: Insights from a 42-country dataset", Sustainability, 15, 16, 12226.
- Nguyen M.H., T.T. Le and Q.H. Vuong*, "Ecomindsponge: A novel perspective on human psychology and behavior in the ecosystem", Urban Science, 7, 1, 31.
- Noel J., T. Dogot and K. Maréchal*, "Quels modèles d’intermédiation alimentaire dans l’approvisionnement territorial de la restauration hors domicile wallonne?", Économie rurale, pp. 37-55.
- Ongaro* E. and A. Sancino, "International public administration and management: Towards the third phase?", Public Policy and Administration, 38, 4, pp. 377-380.
- Ongaro* E. and M. Tantardini, "Advancing knowledge in public administration: why religion matters", Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration, 45, 1, pp.1-6.
- Ongaro* E. and M. Tantardini, "Religion, spirituality, faith and public administration: A literature review and outlook", Public Policy and Administration, 0, 0, 09520767221146866.
- Oosterlinck* K. and A.S. Radermecker*, "Regulation or reputation? Evidence from the art market", The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, 53, 2, pp. 103-121.
- Oosterlinck* K., A.S. Radermecker* and Y. Song, "The valuation of copies for Chinese artworks", Journal of Cultural Economics, pp. 1-42.
- Oosterlinck* K., A. Reyns* and A. Szafarz*, "Gold, bitcoin, and portfolio diversification: Lessons from the Ukrainian war", Resources Policy, 83, 103710.
- Orsot-Dessi P., A. Ashta*, and S. Mor, "The determinants of the intention to use autonomous vehicles", African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development, pp. 1-11.
- Osei-Tutu F. and L. Weill*, "Democracy favors access to credit of firms", European Journal of Political Economy, 77, 102312.
- Osei-Tutu F. and L. Weill*, "Individualism reduces borrower discouragement", Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 211, pp. 370-385.
- Pardoel Z.E., S.A. Reijneveld, R. Lensink*, M. Postma, T.B. Thuy, N.C. Viet,... and J.J. Landsman, "The implementation of community-based programs in Vietnam is promising in promoting health", Frontiers in Public Health, 11, 1182947.
- Peter C. and C. Meyer*, "Organizing for the smart African city: Leveraging the urban commons for exerting the right to the city", Organization Studies, 44, 10, pp. 1725-1746.
- Powell S., J. Copestake* and F. Remnant, "Causal mapping for evaluators", Evaluation, 30, 1, pp. 100-119.
- Radermecker* A.S., "MOOVA–Making Old Objects Valuable Again. The Cultural, Economic Challenges and Sustainability Opportunities of Antiques in the 21st Century", Santander Art and Culture Law Review, pp. 297-306.
- Radermecker* A.S. and K. Brosens, "Valuing European tapestry: from riches to rags", Journal of Cultural Economics, 47, 3, pp. 359-406.
- Radermecker* A.S. and V. Ginsburgh, "Questioning the NFT “Revolution” within the Art Ecosystem", Arts, 12, 1, 25.
- Rehman A., H. Gonenc and N. Hermes*, "Carbon disclosure policy, external financing needs and the cost of capital: Does financial market quality matter?", Business Strategy and the Environment, 32, 8, pp. 5854–5872.
- Rehman A., H. Gonenc and N. Hermes*, "Corporate social performance of family firms and shareholder protection: An international analysis", Journal of Family Business Strategy, 14, 100550.
- Remlinger C., C. Alasseur, M. Brière* and J. Mikael, "Expert aggregation for financial forecasting", The Journal of Finance and Data Science, 9, 100108.
- Roman P., G. Thiry, C. Muylaert, C. Ruwet and K. Maréchal*, "Defining and identifying strongly sustainable product-service systems (SSPSS)", Journal of Cleaner Production, 136295.
- Ruwet C., F. Lohest, R.D. Hoe, K. Maréchal*, C. Muylaert, G. Thiry and P. Roman, "Current situation of the expansion of the functional economy in the Brussels-Capital Region", Brussels Studies. La revue scientifique pour les recherches sur Bruxelles/Het wetenschappelijk tijdschrift voor onderzoek over Brussel/The Journal of Research on Brussels.
- Sekkat K., "Does economic growth benefit the poor? The role of institutions and religions", Economics & Politics, 35, 3, pp. 892-918.
- Sepahvand M.H. and P. Verwimp*, "Fighting Covid-19 amidst civil conflict: micro-level evidence from Burkina Faso", World Development, 170, 106343.
- Serres* C. and T. De Moor, "Social Enterprises in the Netherlands: Towards More Institutional Diversity?", The International Handbook of Social Enterprise Law, 861.
- Serwaah P., R. Shneor, S.A. Nyarko* and K.R. Nielsen, "Explaining gender differences in crowdfunding contribution intentions", Technology in Society, 76, 102425.
- Shamshur A. and L. Weill*, "Bank Risk and Firm Investment: Evidence from Firm-Level Data", Journal of Financial Services Research, 63, 1, pp. 1-34.
- Shamshur A. and L. Weill*, "Correction to: Bank Risk and Firm Investment: Evidence from Firm-Level Data", Journal of Financial Services Research, 63, 3, pp. 363-363.
- Shikuku K.M., E. Bulte*, C.J. Lagerkvist and N. Tran, "Endowments, expectations, and the value of food safety certification: experimental evidence from fish markets in Nigeria", Experimental Economics, pp. 1-25.
- Simo C., H.T. Tchuigoua* and J. Nzongang, "Does corporate social responsibility pay? Evidence from social ratings in microfinance institutions", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 187, p.122180.
- Statnik J.C., T.L.G. Vu and L. Weill*, "Does corruption discourage more female entrepreneurs from applying for credit?", Comparative Economic Studies, 65, 1, pp. 1-28.
- Stef N. and A. Ashta, "Dynamics in environmental legislation", International Review of Law and Economics, 76, 106170.
- Strøm Ø., B. D'Espallier* and R. Mersland*, "Female leaders and financial inclusion: Evidence from microfinance institutions", Review of Corporate Finance, 3, 1-2, pp. 69-97.
- Tchuigoua H.T., "Loan officer gender and loan repayment performance. Evidence from greenfield microfinance institutions in Cameroon", Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 94, 2, pp. 519-548.
- Temperini J. and M. Corsi*, "Democratizing money? The role of cryptocurrencies", PSL Quarterly Review, 76, 304, pp. 51-66.
- Temple C., A.G. Blouin, S. Tindale, S. Steyer, K. Marechal* and S. Massart, "High throughput sequencing technologies complemented by growers’ perceptions highlight the impact of tomato virome in diversified vegetable farms and a lack of awareness of emerging virus threats", Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7, 1139090.
- Turc* E., J. Mattijs* and S. Nahrath, "Rebâtir l’inclusion dans l’action publique post-crise", Politiques et Management public, 40, 4.
- Uehara T., M. Asari, R. Sakurai, M. Cordier* and M. Kalyanasundaram, "Behavioral barrier-based framework for selecting intervention measures toward sustainable plastic use and disposal", Journal of Cleaner Production, 384, p. 135609.
- Uehara T., M. Cordier*, J. Baztan and B. Jorgensen, "The sustainability series: the plastics problem-investigating socio-economic dimensions of plastic pollution", Frontiers in Sustainability, 4, 1209626.
- Ureche-Rangau* L., and J.M. Vaslin, "Conversion risk on 19th century French consols and embedded options: A simple exercise", Finance Research Letters, 58, 104375.
- Van der Auwera E., B. D’Espallier* and R. Mersland*, "Achieving Double Bottom-Line Performance in Hybrid Organisations: A Machine-Learning Approach", Journal of Business Ethics, pp. 1-23.
- Van Miegroet H.J. and A.S. Radermecker*, "Authorship as a determinant of art prices and auction settings in eighteenth-century Paris", European Review of Economic History, 27, 3, pp. 336–361.
- Vanpoucke* E. and R.D. Klassen, "Reducing forced labour in supply chains: what could traditional companies learn from social enterprises?", International Journal of Operations & Production Management.
- Verwimp P., "Ethno-regional favoritism and the political economy of school test scores", Journal of Development Economics, 165, 103152.
- Vuong* Q.H., V.P. La, M.H. Nguyen, R. Jin, M.K. La and T.T. Le, "How AI’s self-prolongation influences people’s perceptions of its autonomous mind: The case of US residents", Behavioral Sciences, 13, 6, 470.
- Vuong* Q.H., V.P. La, M.H. Nguyen, R. Jin, M.K. La and T.T. Le, "AI’s humanoid appearance can affect human perceptions of Its emotional capability: Evidence from self-reported data in the US", International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, pp. 1-12.
- Vuong* Q.H., T.T. Le, R. Jin, Q.V. Khuc, H.S. Nguyen, T.T. Vuong and M.H. Nguyen, "Near-suicide phenomenon: An investigation into the psychology of patients with serious illnesses withdrawing from treatment", International journal of environmental research and public health, 20, 6, 5173.
- Vuong* Q. H., T.T. Le, V.P. La, T.T. Vuong and M.H. Nguyen, "Investigation into the rationale of migration intention due to air pollution integrating the Homo Oeconomicus traits", Urban Science, 7, 2, 59.
- Vuong* Q.H., P.L. Nguyen, R. Jin, M.H. Nguyen and T.T. Le, "Trust Is for the Strong: How Health Status May Influence Generalized and Personalized Trust", Healthcare, 11, 17, 2373.
- Vuong* Q.H., Q.L. Nguyen, R. Jin, M.H.T. Nguyen, T.P. Nguyen, V.P. La and M.H. Nguyen, "Increasing Supply for Woody-Biomass-Based Energy through Wasted Resources: Insights from US Private Landowners", Sustainability, 15, 11, 8667.
- Willems K., N. Verhulst, L. De Gauquier and M. Brengman*, "Frontline employee expectations on working with physical robots in retailing", Journal of Service Management, 34, 3, pp. 467-492.
- Zamore S., L.A. Beisland and R. Mersland*, "Excessive focus on risk? Non‐performing loans and efficiency of microfinance institutions", International Journal of Finance & Economics, 28, 2, pp. 1290-1307.
- Zumofen R., V. Mabillard* and M. Pasquier, "Social Media Use in Central and Eastern European Cities: Defining Local Government-Citizen Relationships through Phases", NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy, 16, 1, pp. 232-253.
CEBRIG members are indicated by a star (*) after their name for multiple authors’ publications.
- Afzali A., M. Martikainen, L. Oxelheim and T. Randøy*, “On the role of internationalization of firm‐level corporate governance: The case of audit committees”, Corporate Governance: An International Review, pp. 1-22.
- Ahmad S., R. Lensink* and A. Mueller, “Boosting Survey Response Rates by Announcing Undefined Lottery Prizes in Invitation Email Subject Lines Evidence from a Global Randomized Controlled Trial”, Survey Research Methods, Vol. 16, 2, pp. 165-206.
- Ahrens F.K., N. Hermes*, D. Veltrop, L. Mulder and C.Y. Wong, “The Missing Link? A Meta-Analysis of Board Processes and Their Mediating Role”, Academy of Management.
- Alcid A., E. Bulte*, R. Lensink*, A. Sayinzoga and M. Treurniet, “Short-and Medium-term Impacts of Employability Training: Evidence from a Randomised Field Experiment in Rwanda”, Journal of African Economies, ejac011.
- Álvarez-Martínez M.T., S. Barrios, D. d'Andria, M. Gesualdo, G. Nicodème* and J. Pycroft, “How large is the corporate tax base erosion and profit shifting? A general equilibrium approach”, Economic Systems Research, 34, 2, pp. 167-198.
- Anyangwe T., A. Vanroose* and A. Fanta, “Culture and the Performance of Microfinance Institutions”, Journal of Financial Management, Markets and Institutions, 10 (1).
- Anyangwe T., A. Vanroose*, and A. Fanta, “Determinants of financial inclusion: does culture matter ?”, Cogent Economics & Finance, 10 (1).
- Arnsperger C., S. Morvant-Roux, J.M. Servet* and A. Tiran, “Money creation as a foundational tool for convivialism”, X-Texts on Culture and Society.
- Ashta A., “Institutional Motivations for Conversion from Public Sector Unit to a Social Business: The Case Study of Burgundy School of Business in France”, Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 15, 506.
- Ashta* A. and D. Walia, “Financing the recovery from the havoc created by Covid: reinforcing the need for a world federal government”, Marche et organisations, 43 (1), pp. 213-235.
- Ashta* A. and S. Mor, “Is microcredit a reverse innovation?”, FIIB Business Review, 11 (2), pp. 225-234.
- Aslam M., L. Weill* and H. Iqbal, “Do mountains move faith?”, Economic Modelling, 117.
- Augsburg* B., A. Bancalari, Z. Durrani, M. Vaidyanathan and Z. White, “When nature calls back: Sustaining behavioral change in rural Pakistan”, Journal of Development Economics, 158.
- Augsburg* B., O.P. Attanasio, R. Dreibelbis, et al, “Lively Minds: improving health and development through play–a randomised controlled trial evaluation of a comprehensive ECCE programme at scale in Ghana”, BMJ Open.
- Bakalli G., S. Guerrier and O. Scaillet*, “A penalized two-pass regression to predict stock returns with time-varying risk premia”, Journal of Econometrics.
- Balew S., E. Bulte*, Z. Abro and M. Kassie, “Incentivizing and nudging farmers to spread information: Experimental evidence from Ethiopia”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
- Bali Swain* R., A. Karimu and E. Gråd, “Sustainable development, renewable energy transformation and employment impact in the EU”, International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, pp. 1-14.
- Barras L., P. Gagliardini and O. Scaillet*, “Skill, scale, and value creation in the mutual fund industry”, The Journal of Finance, 77 (1), pp. 601-638.
- Batut C., A. Garnero* and A. Tondini, “The employment effects of working time reductions: Sector‐level evidence from European reforms”, Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society.
- Beisland L.A., S. Zamore and R. Mersland*, “Does It Pay to be Green? A Study of the Global Microfinance Industry”, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.
- Bellazzecca E. and O. Biosca*, “Intended and unintended effects of specialized regulation on microfinance institutions’ double‐bottom line management”, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 93, (4), pp. 977-999.
- Bellazzecca E., S. Teasdale, O. Biosca* and D.A. Skelton, “The health impacts of place-based creative programmes on older adults’ health: A critical realist review”, Health & Place, 76.
- Ben-Hafaïedh C. and A. Hamelin*, “Questioning the growth dogma: a replication study”, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice.
- Bernier L., L. Juillet and C. Deschamps*, “Why create government corporations? An examination of the determinants of corporatization in the Canadian public sector”, Public Administration, 100, (2), pp. 216-231.
- Berrada T., O. Scaillet* and Z. Zhang, “Asset allocation implications of illiquid assets”, The Journal of Investing, 31 (5), pp. 71-86.
- Bertoli M.A., S. Morvant-Roux* and I. Bizberg, “Le rôle des acteurs de la société civile dans le déploiement des projets économiques et politiques alternatifs: l’expérience mexicaine de la 4T”, Revue de la régulation. Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs, 33.
- Bertrand J. and L. Weill*, “In December days are shorter but loans are cheaper”, Economic Inquiry, 60, (3), pp. 1335-1356.
- Bertrand J., A. Burietz* and C. Perrin, “Just the two of us, we can (’t) make it if we try: Owner-CEO gender and discouragement”, Economics Letters, 216.
- Bertrand J., F. Osei-Tutu and L. Weill*, “Language gender-marking and borrower discouragement, Economics Letters, 212.
- Bhatia I. and V. Mabillard*, “How do cities use their communication channels? A study of social media adoption in two European federal states”, Electronic Government, an International Journal, 18, (2), pp. 119-136.
- Bjorvatn T. and T. Randøy*, “The “costs of doing business abroad” in a cross-border context characterised by extreme political volatility”, Review of International Business and Strategy.
- Borinca I., P. Çelik* and M. Storme, “Can conservatives who (de) humanize immigrants the most be able to support them? The power of imagined positive contact”, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 52 (5), pp. 363-375.
- Bourlès R., A. Cozarenco*, D. Henriet and X. Joutard, “Business Training with a Better-Informed Lender: Theory and Evidence from Microcredit in France”, Annals of Economics and Statistics, (148), pp. 65-108.
- Boutakhnift* Y., A. Chekrouni, P. Verwimp* and M. Benchekara, “The determinants of labor market integration of migrants and refugees in Morocco: Case of the AMUDDU project”, International Journal of Accounting, Finance, Auditing, Management and Economics, 3, (4-1), pp. 115-131.
- Boyers M., S. Garikipati*, A. Biggane, E. Douglas, N. Hawkes, C. Kiely and L. Mason, “Period poverty: The perceptions and experiences of impoverished women living in an inner-city area of Northwest England”, PloS one, 17, (7).
- Brengman* M. and K. Willems, “Robots and AI in retailing and consumer services”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.
- Brengman* M., K. Willems and L. De Gauquier, “Customer Engagement in Multi-Sensory Virtual Reality Advertising: The Effect of Sound and Scent Congruence”, Frontiers in Psychology, 13.
- Briere* M., J. Poterba and A. Szafarz*, “Precautionary liquidity and retirement saving”, In American Economic Association: Papers and Proceedings, 112, pp. 147–150.
- Bulte* E. and R. Lensink*, “Why agricultural insurance may slow down agricultural development”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
- Bulte* E., J.D.N. Miguel and B. Anissa, “Competition on Agricultural Markets and Quality of Smallholder Supply: The Role of Relational Contracting and Input Provision by Traders”, Economic Development and Cultural Change.
- Burietz* A., S. Ongena and M. Picault, “Taxing banks leverage and syndicated lending: A cross-country comparison”, International Review of Law and Economics, 73.
- Caballero-Montes T., “Integrating market conditions into regulatory decisions on microfinance interest rates: does competition matter?”, Annals of Finance, pp. 1-32.
- Cambini C., E. Grinza* and L. Sabatino, “Ultra-fast broadband access and productivity: Evidence from Italian firms”, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 86.
- Castañer X., M. Goranova, N. Hermes*, N. Kavadis and A. Zattoni, “Ownership and corporate governance across institutional contexts”, Corporate Governance, 30, (6), pp. 638-655.
- Cecchi F., A. Garcia, R. Lensink* and B. Wydick, “Aspirational hope, dairy farming practices, and milk production: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial in Bolivia”, World Development, 160.
- Celik* P., M. Storme and N. Myszkowski, “Individual Differences in Within-Person Variability in Personality Positively Predict Economic Gains and Satisfaction in Negotiations”, Group Decision and Negotiation, 31, (3), pp. 683-702.
- Chekrouni A., M. Benchekara, Y. Boutakhnift (*) Y. et S. Housni, L’impact potentiel de la Blockchain sur le supply chain management : quelles applications et quelles perspectives ?, Revue Française d’Economie et de Gestion, 3, 8.
- Chubaka Mushagalusa N., E. Balemba Kanyurhi*, D. Bugandwa Mungu Akonkwa and P. Murhula Cubaka*, “Measuring price fairness and its impact on consumers’ trust and switching intentions in microfinance institutions”, Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 27, (2), pp. 111-135.
- Cieslik* K. and D. Margócsy, “Datafication, power and control in development: A historical perspective on the perils and longevity of data”, Progress in Development Studies, 22, (4), pp. 352-373.
- Cieslik* K., A. Barford and B. Vira, “Young people not in employment, education or training (NEET) in Sub-Saharan Africa: Sustainable development target 8.6 missed and reset”, Journal of Youth Studies, 25, (8), pp. 1126-1147.
- Cieslik* K., A. Dewulf and J.M. Foggin, “Investigating project sustainability: technology as a development object in a community-based project in Naryn, Kyrgyzstan”, Oxford Development Studies, 50, (4), pp. 289-306.
- Citoni G., “Sui sistemi sanitari a più pilastri. Politiche Sanitarie, Italian Journal of Health Policy, 23, (3), pp. 104-114.
- Citoni* G., D. De Matteis and M. Giannoni, “Vertical Equity in Healthcare Financing: A Progressivity Analysis for the Italian Regions”, Healthcare, 10, 3, pp. 449.
- Cornée* S. and D. Masclet, “Long-term relationships, group lending, and peer monitoring in microfinance: Experimental evidence”, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 100.
- Cornée* S., M. Jegers and A. Szafarz*, “Feasible Institutions of Social Finance: A Taxonomy. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 178, (3), pp. 280-310.
- Corsi M., “Stato, mercato, libertà e giustizia sociale: attualità del pensiero economico di Ernesto Rossi”, Moneta e Credito, 75, (300).
- Corsi M. and J. Michael Ryan, “What does the Covid-19 crisis reveal about interdisciplinarity in social sciences?”, International Review of Sociology, 32, (1), pp. 1-9.
- Cozarenco* A., V. Hartarska* and A. Szafarz*, “Subsidies to microfinance institutions: how do they affect cost efficiency and mission drift?”, Applied Economics, 54, (44), pp. 5099-5132.
- Cultrera L., B. Mahy, F. Rycx* and G. Vermeylen*, “Educational and skills mismatches: unravelling their effects on wages across Europe”, Education Economics, 30, (6), pp. 561-573.
- Dalla Pellegrina* L., G. Di Maio, D. Masciandaro and M. Saraceno, “Are Bankers “Crying Wolf”? Type I, Type II Errors and Deterrence in Anti-Money Laundering: The Italian Case”, Italian Economic Journal, pp. 1-29.
- De Herde V., Y. Segers, K. Maréchal* and P.V. Baret, “Lock-ins to transition pathways anchored in contextualized cooperative dynamics: Insights from the historical trajectories of the Walloon dairy cooperatives”, Journal of Rural Studies, 94, pp. 161-176.
- Demeulemeester* J.L. and C. Diebolt, “The economics of education: unkept promises?”, Brussels Economic Review, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles, vol. 47(3-4), pp. 303-320.
- Deschamps C., “Performance management in public service organizations: can data be useful to managers even when it is flawed or gamed?”, International Public Management Journal, 25, (5), pp. 704-721.
- Dissaux T., “Geographies of Monetary Exclusion in Kenyan Slums: Financial Inclusion in Question”, Development and Change.
- Dorfleitner G., “On the use of the terminal-value approach in risk-value models”, Annals of operations research, 313, (2), pp. 877-897.
- Dorfleitner* G. and J. Grebler, “Corporate social responsibility and systematic risk: International evidence”, The Journal of Risk Finance.
- Dorfleitner* G. and Q.A. Nguyen, “Mobile money for women’s economic empowerment: the mediating role of financial management practices”, Review of Managerial Science, pp. 1-30.
- Dorfleitner* G. and I. Scheckenbach, “Trading activity on social trading platforms–a behavioral approach”, The Journal of Risk Finance.
- Dorfleitner* G., D. Forcella* and Q.A. Nguyen, “The digital transformation of microfinance institutions: An empirical analysis. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 23, (2), pp. 454-479.
- Dorfleitner* G., L. Hornuf and M. Weber, “Paralyzed by shock: the portfolio formation behavior of peer-to-business lending investors”, Review of Managerial Science, pp. 1-37.
- Dorfleitner* G., C. Kreuzer and C. Sparrer, “To sin in secret is no sin at all: On the linkage of policy, society, culture, and firm characteristics with corporate scandals”, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 202, pp. 762-784.
- Dorfleitner* G., S. Utzand and R. Zhang, “The pricing of green bonds: external reviews and the shades of green”, Review of Managerial Science, pp. 1-38.
- Du Caju P., G. Perilleux*, F. Rycx* and I. Tojerow*, “A bigger house at the cost of an empty stomach? The effect of households’ indebtedness on their consumption: micro-evidence using Belgian HFCS data”, Review of Economics of the Household, pp. 1-43.
- Fays* V., B. Mahy and F. Rycx*, "Wage Differences According to Workers’ Origin: The Role of Working More Upstream in GVCs", LABOUR: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, forthcoming.
- Fortin A.P., P. Gagliardini and O. Scaillet*, “Eigenvalue tests for the number of latent factors in short panels”, arXiv.
- François A., S. Panel and L. Weill*, “Dictators’ facial characteristics and foreign direct investment”, The Leadership Quarterly.
- Fungáčová Z., E. Kerola and L. Weill*, “Does bank efficiency affect the bank lending channel in China ?”, Emerging Markets Review.
- Gagliardi* N., E. Grinza* and F. Rycx*, “Workers’ tenure and firm productivity: New evidence from matched employer‐employee panel data”, Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society, 62, (1), pp. 3-33.
- Garcia A., F. Cecchi, S. Eriksen, and R. Lensink*, “The plus in credit-plus-technical assistance: Evidence from a rural microcredit programme in Bolivia”, The Journal of Development Studies, 58, (2), pp. 275-291.
- Garnero* A. and C. Lucifora, “Turning a ‘Blind Eye’? Compliance with Minimum Wage Standards and Employment”, Economica, 89, (356), pp. 884-907.
- Glémain* P. and V. Billaudeau, “Les tiers-lieux de transition sociétale en région ouest de la France: penser un «transitio-mètre» pour comprendre leurs effets transitionnels au niveau local”, Norois, (3), pp. 139-155.
- Godfroid* C., N. Otiti, and R. Mersland*, “Employee tenure and staff performance: The case of a social enterprise”, Journal of Business Research, 139, pp. 457-467.
- Goransson M. and A. Eraly*, “Dépasser la gestion par décrets: Les contrats d’objectifs dans les écoles”, Association la Revue nouvelle, 21, (9), pp. 53-59.
- Greenwald* D.S. and K. Oosterlinck*, “The changing faces of the Paris salon: Using a new dataset to analyze portraiture, 1740–1881”, Poetics, 92.
- Grigoryan A. and K. Khachatryan*, “Remittances and emigration intentions: Evidence from Armenia”, International Migration, 60, (6), pp. 198-234.
- Grinza* E., F. Devicienti, M. Rossi and D. Vannoni, “How Entry into Parenthood Shapes Gender Role Attitudes: New Evidence from The UK”, Feminist Economics, 28, (4), pp. 194-220.
- Guérin I., “Political Work and Social Reproduction in India and Beyond”, Sociological Bulletin, 72(1), pp. 97-103.
- Guérin* I., S. Michiels, A. Natal, C. J. Nordman and G. Venkatasubramanian, “Surviving Debt and Survival Debt in Times of Lockdown”, Economic & Political Weekly, 57(1), 41-49.
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CEBRIG members are indicated by a star (*) after their name for multiple authors’ publications.
- Ahishakiye H. and E. Niyongabo*, “Impact of exchange rate misalignment on industrial production in Burundi”, forthcoming.
- Aloè E., M. Corsi* and G. Zacchia, “A Feminist Reading of Italy’s North-South Dualism in the Wake of Covid-19”, Feminist Economics, 27, 1-2, pp. 203-216.
- Brière* M. and A. Szafarz*, “When it Rains, it Pours: Multifactor Asset Management in Good and Bad Times”, Journal of Financial Research, 44, 3, pp. 641-669.
- Brière* M., J. Poterba and A. Szafarz*, “Precautionary Liquidity and Retirement Saving”, American Economic Review P&P, forthcoming.
- Cozarenco* A., V. Hartarska* and A. Szafarz*, “Subsidies to microfinance institutions: How do they affect cost efficiency and mission drift?”, Applied Economics, forthcoming.
- Citoni* G, D. De Matteis and M. Giannoni, “Equity in the delivery and financing of health care and the SARS-COV-2 pandemic in Italy: where next?”, Sistema Salute(English Annual Supplement), 65, pp.46-62.
- Dipierri* A.A. and D. Zikos, “The Role of Common-Pool Resources’ Institutional Robustness in a Collective Action Dilemma under Environmental Variations”, Sustainability, 12, 24, 10526, https://doi.org/10.3390/su122410526.
- Anissa B.P., G. Abate, T. Bernard and E. Bulte*, “Is the local wheat market a ‘market for lemons’? Certifying the supply of individual wheat farmers in Ethiopia”, European Review of Agricultural Economics, 48, 5, pp. 1162-1186.
- Ashta A., “In the wake of the COVID crisis, Work-sharing from Different Angles: Employment, Equality, Ecology and Elation”, Marché et organisations, 1, pp. 159-186.
- Ashta A., “Falling like ninepins: How Greensill Capital’s supply chain finance took down its partners”, Entreprendre Innover, 1, pp. 94-102.
- Ashta A., “Towards a New Form of Undemocratic Capitalism: Introducing Macro-Equity to Finance Development Post COVID-19 Crisis”, Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 14, 3, 116.
- Ashta* A. and G.H. Darlas, “The role of inter-subjectivity and shared experience in regulating the dark side of human nature in entrepreneurial finance”, Entreprendre Innover, 1, pp. 58-65.
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- Naegels V., N. Mori and B. D'Espallier*, “The process of female borrower discouragement”, Emerging Markets Review, 100837.
- Nguyen H.T.T., M.H. Nguyen, T.T. Le, M.T. Ho and Q.H. Vuong*, “Open Access Publishing Probabilities Based on Gender and Authorship Structures in Vietnam”, Publications, 9, 4, 45.
- Nguyen M.H., T.T. Le, M.T. Ho, Nguyen H.T.T. and Q.H. Vuong*, “Alice in Suicideland: Exploring the suicidal ideation mechanism through the sense of connectedness and help-seeking behaviors”, International journal of environmental research and public health, 18, 7, 3681.
- Nguyen M.H., H.T.T. Nguyen, M.T. Ho, T.T. Le and Q.H. Vuong*, “The Roles of Female Involvement and Risk Aversion in Open Access Publishing Patterns in Vietnamese Social Sciences and Humanities”, Journal of Data and Information Science.
- Nguyen M.H., H.T.T. Nguyen, T.T. Le, A.P. Luong and Q.H. Vuong*, “Gender issues in family business research: A bibliometric scoping review”, Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies.
- Nguyen M.H., T.H. Pham, M.T. Ho, H.T.T. Nguyen and Q.H. Vuong*, “On the social and conceptual structure of the 50-year research landscape in entrepreneurial finance”, SN Business & Economics, 1, 1, pp. 1-29.
- Nguyen M.H., Q.H. Vuong* and M. Calver, “Evaluation of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets: The international collaboration trilemma in interdisciplinary research”, Pacific Conservation Biology.
- Nguyen T.T.H., H.H. Pham, Q.H. Vuong*, Q.T. Cao, V.H. Dinh and D.D. Nguyen, “The adoption of international publishing within Vietnamese academia from 1986 to 2020: A review”, Learned Publishing, 34, 2, pp. 175-186.
- Noël J., C. Margetic, F. Lanzi, T. Dogot, and K. Maréchal*, “De l’importance des structures collectives territorialisées pour consolider la viabilité des circuits alimentaires de proximité”, Développement durable et territoires, 12, 1.
- Nouvellon* E. and H. Pirotte*, “Can an equity structure dominate the risk-return profile of corporate bonds?”, Journal of Asset Management, 22, 4, pp. 277-290.
- Nyarko* S.A., “Gender discrimination and lending to women: The moderating effect of an international founder”, International Business Review.
- Odaba S. and V. Hartarska*, “Farmer Suicides: Effects of Socio-Economic, Climate, and Mental Health Factors”, The journal of mental health policy and economics, 24, 2, pp. 61-71.
- Ongaro E., “Non-Western philosophies and public administration”, Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration, 43, 1, pp. 6-10.
- Ongaro* E. and F. Longo, “Explaining system-level change in welfare governance: the role of policy indeterminacy and concatenations of social mechanisms”, Health Economics, Policy and Law, 16, 3, pp. 340-354.
- Ongaro* E., T. Gong and Y. Jing, “Public administration, context and innovation: A framework of analysis”, Public Administration and Development, 41, 1, pp. 4-11.
- Ongaro* E., A. Sancino, I. Pluchinotta, H. Williams, M. Kitchener and E. Ferlie, “Strategic management as an enabler of co-creation in public services”, Policy & Politics, 49, 2, pp. 287-304.
- Osei-Tutu F. and L. Weill*, “How language shapes bank risk taking”, Journal of Financial Services Research, 59, 1, pp. 47-68.
- Osei-Tutu F. and L. Weill*, “Sex, language and financial inclusion”, Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, 29, 3, pp. 369-403.
- Otiti N., C. Godfroid* and R. Mersland*, “Does it (re)pay to be female? Considering gender in microfinance loan officer-client pairs”, Journal of Development Studies, forthcoming, https://doi.org/10.1080/00220388.2021.1983167.
- Otiti N., Andersson K. and R. Mersland*, “Is employee-client matching good for firms targeting the bottom of the pyramid? A study of microfinance institutions”, International Journal of Development Issues.
- Otiti N., C. Godfroid*, R. Mersland* and B. D’Espallier*, “Does it (Re) pay to be Female? Considering Gender in Microfinance Loan Officer-Client Pairs”, The Journal of Development Studies, pp. 1-16.
- P. Ho, M.T., M.H. Nguyen, and Q.H. Vuong*, “Bosses without a heart: socio-demographic and cross-cultural determinants of attitude toward Emotional AI in the workplace, AI & society, pp. 1-23.
- Pardoel Z.E., S.A. Reijneveld, R. Lensink*, V. Widyaningsih, A. Probandari, C. Stein, …and J.A. Landsman, “Core health-components, contextual factors and program elements of community-based interventions in Southeast Asia–a realist synthesis regarding hypertension and diabetes”, BMC public health, 21, 1, pp. 1-14.
- Périlleux* A. and A. Szafarz*, “Women in the Boardroom: A Bottom-up Approach to the Trickle-down Effect”, Small Business Economics, forthcoming.
- Pham H.H., Q.H. Vuong*, T.K.T. Dong, T.T. Nguyen, M.T. Ho, T.T. Vuong... and M.H. Nguyen, “The southern world as a destination of international students: an analysis of 50 tertiary education institutions in Vietnam”, Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia, 20, 1, pp. 24-43.
- Piot-Lepetit I. and H. Tchakoute Tchuigoua*, “Ownership and performance of microfinance institutions in Latin America: A pseudo-panel malmquist index approach”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, pp. 1-14.
- Piton* C. and F. Rycx*, “A Broken Social Elevator? Employment Outcomes of First-and Second-Generation Immigrants in Belgium”, De Economist, 169, 3, pp. 319-365.
- Plateau* L., L. Roudart, M. Hudon* and K. Maréchal*, "Opening the organisational black box to grasp the difficulties of agroecological transition, An empirical analysis of tensions in agroecological production coopératives", Ecological Economics, 185, pp. 107-145, 2021.
- Porumbescu G.A., S.J. Piotrowski and V. Mabillard*, “Performance information, racial bias, and citizen evaluations of government: Evidence from two studies”, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 31, 3, pp. 523-541.
- Reboul E., I. Guérin* and C.J. Nordman, “The gender of debt and credit: Insights from rural Tamil Nadu”, World Development, 142, 105363.
- Reichert P.*, M. Bird and V. Farber, “Gender and entrepreneurial propensity: Risk-taking and prosocial preferences in labour market entry decisions”, Social Enterprise Journal, 17.1, pp. 111-139, 2021.
- Reichert* P., M. Hudon*, A. Szafarz* and R.K. Christensen, "Crowding-In or Crowding-Out? How Subsidies Signal the Path to Financial Independence of Social Enterprises", Perspectives on Public Management and Governance, 4, 3, pp. 291-308, 2021.
- Renier* L.A., M.S. Mast, N. Dael and E.P. Kleinlogel, “Nonverbal Social Sensing: What Social Sensing Can and Cannot Do for the Study of Nonverbal Behavior From Video”, Frontiers in Psychology, 12, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.606548.
- Renier* L.A., M.S. Mast and A. Bekbergenova, “To err is human, not algorithmic – Robust reactions to erring algorithms”, Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 124, 2021, doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2021.106879.
- Roblain A., J. Gale, S. Abboud, C. Arnal Bacalao, T. Bornand, M. Hanioti Kokkoli, O. Klein, P. Klein, S. Lastrego, L. Licata, Y. Mora, K. Nera, N. Van der Linden, P. Van Oost, and C. Toma*, “Social control and solidarity during the COVID-19 pandemic: the direct and indirect effects of causal attribution of insufficient compliance through perceived anomie”, Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology.
- Sajjadi P., A. Ewais and O. De Troyer*, “Individualization in serious games: A systematic review of the literature on the aspects of the players to adapt to”, Entertainment Computing, 41, 100468
- Sandberg* J. and F. Hindriks, “Money: What It Is and What It Should Be”, Journal of Social Ontology, 6, 2, pp. 237-243.
- Sansilvestri R., M. Cordier* and T. Lescuyer, “Winners and Losers in Energy Transition: Study Case of Wood Biomass Power-Plants Implementation in France”, Forests, 12, 9, 1139.
- Savarese* C., B. Huybrechts and M. Hudon*, "The influence of interorganizational collaboration on logic conciliation and tensions within hybrid organizations: insights from social enterprise-corporate collaborations", Journal of Business Ethics, 73, pp. 709–721, 2021.
- Scheckenbach I., M. Wimmer and G. Dorfleitner*, "The higher you fly, the harder you try not to fall: An analysis of the risk taking behavior in social trading", Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 82, pp. 239-259, 2021.
- Schilling A., P. Celik* and M. Storme, “What could be My Next Job? Using Flat Information Structures to Generate Creative Future Career Ideas”, The Journal of Creative Behavior, 55, 1, pp. 53-62.
- Sekkat K., “Have you been served, your honor? Yes, thank you, your excellency: the judiciary and political corruption”, Constitutional Political Economy, pp. 1-28.
- Serres* C., M. Hudon* and F. Maon, “Social corporations under the spotlight: A governance perspective”, Journal of Business Venturing, forthcoming.
- Sharma A., J. Copestake*, and M. James, “The Samagra anti‐poverty programme in Madhya Pradesh: Integrating household data, overcoming silo‐problems and leaving nobody behind”, Development Policy Review, 39, 3, pp. 435-449.
- Shchepeleva M., M. Stolbov and L. Weill*, “Has the Global Financial Crisis increased wealth inequality?”, International Economics.
- Si C., D. Nadolnyak, and V. Hartarska*, “The gender wage gap in developing countries”, Applied Economics and Finance, 8, 1, pp. 1-12.
- Siwale J. and C. Godfroid*, “Digitizating microfinance: Is it still a place for loan officers?”, Oxford Development Studies, forthcoming, https://doi.org/10.1080/13600818.2021.1998409.
- Siwale J. and C. Godfroid*, “Digitising microfinance: on the route to losing the traditional ‘human face’of microfinance institutions”, Oxford Development Studies, pp. 1-15.
- Swain* R.B. and S. Ranganathan, “Modeling interlinkages between sustainable development goals using network analysis”, World Development, 138, 105136.
- Swain* R.B. and S. Sweet, “Introduction to Sustainable Consumption and Production Challenges and Development”, Sustainable Consumption and Production, Volume I, 1.
- Tchakoute Tchuigoua* H., “Proximity‐based screening tools and credit rationing: Lessons from a Cameroonian greenfield microfinance institution”, African Development Review, 33, 3, pp. 506-517.
- Teixeira da Silva J.A. and Q.H. Vuong*, “The right to refuse unwanted citations: rethinking the culture of science around the citation”, Scientometrics, 126, 6, pp. 5355-5360.
- Thirion I., P. Reichert*, V. Xhauflair and J. de Jonck, “From fiduciary duty to impact fidelity: Managerial compensation in impact investing”, Journal of Business Ethics, Forthcoming.
- Toma* C., I. Menezes and D. Secchi, “Guest editorial: new horizons in organizational cognition”, International journal of organization theory and behavior, 24, 3, pp. 173-177. doi:10.1108/IJOTB-09-2021-169
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- Toutain O., A. Ashta* and M. Yunus, “The dark side of entrepreneurial finance through the eyes of Muhammad Yunus”, Entreprendre Innover, 1, pp. 11-18.
- Tremblay D.G., V. Italiana, S. Seguino, M. Zannella, E. Aloè, M. Corsi*, ... and L. Horn, “Daddy leave, the Quebec miracle”, Work, 25, 05.
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- Van Asseldonk M., G. Onumah, R. Lensink*, “Credit-linked insurance bundles in Zambia: evidence from the aftermath of a shock”, Agricultural Finance Review.
- Van Hecken G., V. Kolinjivadi, F. Huybrechs, J. Bastiaensen* and P. Merlet, “Playing Into the Hands of the Powerful: Extracting “Success” by Mining for Evidence in a Payments for Environmental Services Project in Matiguás-Río Blanco, Nicaragua”, Tropical Conservation Science, 14, 19400829211020191.
- Vanpoucke* E., M. Wetzels, F. Rozemeijer and G. Pilzak, "The impact of asymmetric perceptions of buyer-supplier governance mechanisms on relational rents", International journal of operations & production management, 2021.
- Verghese A., X. Koufteros, T. Schoenherr and E. Vanpoucke*, "Is relationship evolution good or bad? It depends! A qualitative and quantitative examination of the relational behaviors and the stimulants of supply chain integration", Decision sciences, 2021.
- Vuong Q.H., “The semiconducting principle of monetary and environmental values exchange, Economics and Business Letter, 10, 3, pp. 284-290.
- Vuong Q.H., “Western monopoly of climate science is creating an eco-deficit culture”, Economy, Land & Climate Insight.
- Vuong* Q.H. and M.T. Ho, “The need for economics education in Vietnam high school curriculum: A preliminary observation”, Academia Letters, 1, 1.
- Vuong* Q.H., A.T. Bui, V.P. La, M.H. Nguyen, H.H., Pham, T.H. Pham,... and M.T. Ho, “Mirror, mirror on the wall: is economics the fairest of them all? An investigation into the social sciences and humanities in Vietnam”, Research Evaluation, 30, 1, pp. 57-72.
- Vuong* Q.H., V. P. La, M.T. Ho, T.H. Pham, T.T. Vuong, H.M. Vuong and M.H. Nguyen, “A Data Collection on Secondary School Students' STEM Performance and Reading Practices in an Emerging Country”, Data Intelligence, 3, 2, pp. 336-356.
- Vuong* Q.H., V.P. La, H.K.T. Nguyen, M.T. Ho, T.T. Vuong and M.T. Ho, “Identifying the moral–practical gaps in corporate social responsibility missions of Vietnamese firms: An event‐based analysis of sustainability feasibility”, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 28, 1, pp. 30-41.
- Vuong* Q.H., V.P La, M.H. Nguyen, T.H.T. Nguyen and M.T. Ho, “Good budget or good care: The dilemma of social health insurance in Vietnam”, SAGE Open Medicine, 9, 20503121211042512.
- Vuong* Q. H., V.P. La, T.H.T. Nguyen, M.H. Nguyen, T.T. Vuong, H.M. Vuong and M.T. Ho, “Impacts of parents and reading promotion on creating a reading culture: Evidence from a developing context”, Children and Youth Services Review, 131, 106311.
- Vuong* Q. H., T.T. Le, V.P. La, H.T.T. Nguyen, M.T. Ho, Q. Van Khuc, M.H. Nguyen, “Covid-19 vaccines production and societal immunization under the serendipity-mindsponge-3D knowledge management theory and conceptual framework”, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 9, 1, pp. 1-12.
- Vuong* Q.H., H.T.T. Nguyen, M.T. Ho and M.H. Nguyen, “Adopting open access in an emerging country: Is gender inequality a barrier in humanities and social sciences?”, Learned Publishing, 34, 4, pp. 487-498.
- Vuong* Q. H., H.T.T. Nguyen, T.H. Pham, M.T. Ho and M.H. Nguyen, “Assessing the ideological homogeneity in entrepreneurial finance research by highly cited publications”, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 8, 1, pp. 1-11.
- Vuong* Q.H., M.H. Nguyen, and T.T. Le, “A mindsponge-based investigation into the psycho-religious mechanism behind suicide attacks”, Walter de Gruyter GmbH.
- Vuong* Q.H., M.H. Nguyen, and T.T. Le, “Home scholarly culture, book selection reason, and academic performance: Pathways to book reading interest among secondary school students”, European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education, 11(2), pp. 468-495.
- Vuong* Q.H., H.H. Pham, M.T. Ho and V.H. Dinh, “Current Trends and Realities of International Students in East and Southeast Asia: The Cases of China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Malaysia”, International Journal of Education and Practice, 9(3), pp. 532-549.
- Vuong* Q. H., P. Pham, M.H. Nguyen, C.T. Ngo, P.M. Tran and Q. Van Khuc, “Farmers’ livelihood strategies and perceived constraints from poor and nonpoor households: A dataset from a field survey in Nghe An”, pp. 1-18.
- Vuong* Q.-H., A.T. Bui, M.T. Ho, T.-H. Pham, T.H. Vu, H.H. Pham, A.D. Hoang, M.T. Ho, and V.P. La, “Top economics universities and research institutions in Vietnam: evidence from the SSHPA dataset”, Heliyon, 7(2), e06273. doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e06273.
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- Zamore S., L.A. Beisland and R. Mersland*, “Excessive focus on risk? Non‐performing loans and efficiency of microfinance institutions”, International Journal of Finance & Economics.
- Zhang B.Z., A. Ashta* and M.E. Barton, “Do FinTech and financial incumbents have different experiences and perspectives on the adoption of artificial intelligence?”, Strategic Change, 30, 3, pp. 223-234.
- Zhang J., V. Hartarska*, and E. Malikov, “Product and geographic market diversification in US banking”, Finance Research Letters, 42, 101881.
Papers in Refereed International Scientific Journals
- Ashta A. and S. Mor, “Is Microcredit a Reverse Innovation?”, FIIB Business Review, 2020, pp. 1-10.
- Ashta A. and S. Pillarisetti, “Can microsavings work without microcredit? A case study of India Post Payments Bank.”, Strategic Change, 2020, 29, 3, pp. 331-340.
- Blocher J., M. Gulati, and K. Oosterlinck, “King Leopold's Bonds and the Odious Debts Mystery”, Virginia journal of international law, 2020.
- Bobadilla N., M. Goransson, and F. Pichault, “Culture et renouveau territorial : Une exploration des pouvoirs publics dans les dynamiques collectives”, Pyramides, 2020, 30, pp. 243-262.
- Bouasria M., A. Ashta, and Z. Ratsimalahelo, “Bottlenecks to Financial Development, Financial Inclusion, and Microfinance: A Case Study of Mauritania.”, Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 2020, 13, 10, pp. 1-28.
- Brandt M.J., T. Kuppens, R. Spears, L. Andrighetto, F. Autin, P. Babincak, C. Toma, and J.L. Zimmerman, “Subjective status and perceived legitimacy across countries”, Dataset, 2020.
- Citoni G., D. De Matteis, and M. Giannoni, “Disuguaglianze socioeconomiche in salute, equità nell'accesso e nel finanziamento dei servizi sanitari in Italia: quale evoluzione in tempi di SARSCOV-2?”, Sistema Salute, 2020, 64, 2, pp. 204-221.
- David G., C. Huemer, and K. Oosterlinck, “Art Dealers' Inventory Strategy the Case of Goupil, Boussod & Valadon”, Business History, 2020, pp. 1860-1914.
- Dipierri A. and D. Zikos, “The Role of Common-Pool Resources' Institutional Robustness in a Collective Action Dilemma under Environmental Variations”, Sustainability, 2020,12, 24.
- Eraly A. and M. Goransson, “La gouvernance : un concept digne de ce nom”, Revue nouvelle, 2020, 5.
- François A. and P.G. Méon, “Politicians at higher levels of government are perceived as more corrupt”, European journal of political economy, 2020.
- George B., A. Drumaux, P. Joyce, and F. Longo, “Editorial: Guest editors: Bert George, Anne Drumaux, Paul Joyce and Francesco Longo”, Public money & management, 2020, 40, 4, pp. 255- 259.
- Glémain P., “Social enterprise and its relationships to the territory: the contribution of humanist geography to the Actor-Network Theory”, In Annales de Géographie, Armand Colin, 731, 1, pp. 62-82.
- Grinza E., S. Kampelmann, and F. Rycx, “L'union fait la force? Evidence for wage discrimination in firms with high diversity”, The Journal of Economic Inequality, 2020.
- Hensmans M., “How digital fantasy work induces organizational ideal reversal? Long-term conditioning and enactment of digital transformation fantasies at a large alternative bank (1963- 2019)”, Organization, 2020.
- Hornuf L. and G. Dorfleitner, “FinTech and Data Privacy in Germany”, Machine Lawyering, 2020.
- Kammerlander N., H. Patzelt, J. Behrens, and C. Röhm, “Organizational ambidexterity in family-managed firms: The role of family involvement in top management”, Family business review, 2020.
- Kampelmann S., “Wood works: How local value chains based on urban forests contribute to place-based circular economy”, Urban geography, 2020.
- Lacroix J., P.G. Méon, and K. Sekkat, “Democratic transitions can attract foreign direct investment: Effect, trajectories, and the role of political risk”, Journal of comparative economics, 2020.
- Mabillard V. and R. Vuignier, “Exploring the relationship between transparency, attractiveness factors, and the location of foreign companies: What matters most?”, Place branding and public diplomacy, 2020.
- Mercier M., R.L. Ngenzebuke, and P. Verwimp, “Violence exposure and poverty: Evidence from the Burundi civil war”, Journal of comparative economics, 2020.
- Milana C. and A. Ashta, “Microfinance and Financial Inclusion: Challenges and opportunities”, Strategic Change, 2020, 29, 3, pp. 257-266.
- Mor S., S. Madan, G.R. Archer, and A. Ashta, “Survival of the Smallest: A Study of Microenterprises in Haryana, India.”, Millennial Asia, 2020, 11, 1, pp. 54-78.
- Moshtari M. and E. Vanpoucke, “Building successful NGO-business relationships: a social capital perspective”, The journal of supply chain management, 2020.
- Oosterlinck K., J. Blocher, and M. Gulati, “Why did Belgium Pay Leopold's Bonds?”, Law and Contemporary Problems, 2020, 83, 2, pp. 49-70.
- Patzelt H., J. Behrens, M. Wolfe, and D. Shepherd, “Perceived project transition support and employees' assessments of entrepreneurial project performance”, Journal of business venturing, 2020, 35, 1, pp. 1-25.
- Porumbescu G., S.J. Piotrowski, and V. Mabillard, “Performance information, racial bias, and citizen evaluation of government: Evidence from two studies”, Journal of public administration research and theory, 2020.
- Utkarsh S., A. Pandey, A. Ashta, E. Spiegelman, and A. Sutan, “Catch them young: Impact of financial socialization, financial literacy and attitude towards money on financial well-being of young adults”, International Journal of Consumer Studies, 2020, 44, 6, pp. 531-541.
- Utkarsh S., A. Pandey, A. Ashta, E. Spiegelman, and A. Sutan, “Exploration of financial stress indicators in a developing economy”, Strategic Change, 2020, 29, 3, pp. 285-292.
- Verwimp P., D. Osti, and G. Ostby, “Forced Displacement, Migration and Fertility in Burundi”, Population and development review, 2020, 46, 2, pp. 287-319.
Papers in Refereed International Scientific Journals
- Arvanitis S., O. Scaillet, and N. Topaloglou, “Spanning Tests for Markowitz Stochastic Dominance”, forthcoming in the Journal of Econometrics, Special issue on Nonlinear Financial Econometrics.
- Blocher J., M. Gulati, and K. Oosterlinck, “King Leopold's Bonds and the Odious Debts Mystery”, forthcoming in the Virginia Journal of International Law.
- Boon L., M. Brière, and B. Werker, “Systematic longevity risk: To bear or to insure?”, Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 2019, pp. 1-33.
- Brière M. and A. Szafarz, “Good diversification is never wasted: How to tilt factor portfolios with sectors”, Finance Research Letters, 2019.
- Brihaye T., J. De Pril, M. Labie, and A. Perilleux, “Positive vs Negative Incentives for Loan Repayment in Microfinance: A Game Theory Approach”, Review of Development Economics, 2019, 23, pp. 577-597.
- Bui S., I. Costa, O. De Schutter, T. Dedeurwaerdere, M. Hudon, and M. Feyereisen, “Systemic ethics and inclusive governance: two key prerequisites for sustainability transitions of agri-food systems”, Agriculture and Human Values, 2019, 36, 2, pp. 277-288.
- Camargo A., M. Storme, and P. Çelik, “Further investigation of the relationship between cultural intelligence and expatriate career intentions”, International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 2019, pp. 1-22.
- Cieslik K., M. Hudon, and P. Verwimp, “Unruly Entrepreneurs: Investigating Value Creation by Microfinance Clients in Rural Burundi”, forthcoming in the Oxford Development Studies.
- Collet S. and K. Oosterlinck, “Denouncing Odious Debts”, Journal of Business Ethics, 2019, 160, 1, pp. 205-223.
- Collet S. and K. Oosterlinck, “Le Concept de Dettes Odieuses”, Revue d’Economie Financière, 2019, 133, pp. 273-281.
- Cordier M., T. Poitelon, and W. Hecq, “The shared environmental responsibility principle: new developments applied to the case of marine ecosystems”. Economic Systems Research, 2019, 31, pp. 228-247.
- Cornée S., P. Kalmi, and A. Szafarz, “The Business Model of Social Banks”, forthcoming in Kyklos, 2019.
- Cornille D., F. Rycx, and I. Tojerow, “Heterogeneous Effects of Credit Constraints on SMEs' Employment: Evidence from the European Sovereign Debt Crisis”, Journal of Financial Stability, 2019, 41, pp. 1-13.
- Cosma A., S. Galluccio, P. Pederzoli, and O. Scaillet, “Early exercise decision in American options with dividends, stochastic volatility and jumps”, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2019, 54, pp. 1-26.
- De Pril J. and C. Godfroid, “Avoiding the Crowding-Out of Prosocial Motivation in Microfinance”, forthcoming in Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance.
- Dissaux T., “Inclusion financière et liens sociaux : la monnaie entre marchandisation et mise en commun au Kenya”, Mondes en Développement, 2019, 1, 185, pp. 83‑108.
- Dissaux T., “Socioéconomie de la monnaie mobile et des monnaies locales au Kenya : quelles innovations monétaires pour quel développement ?”, Revue de la Régulation, 2019, 25.
- Dorfleitner G., E.M. Oswald, and R. Zhang, “From credit risk to social impact: On the funding determinants in interest-free peer-to-peer lending”, Journal of Business Ethics.
- Fouillet C., I. Guérin, and J-M. Servet, “Démonétisation, l’agenda caché du gouvernement indien”, Outre-Terre, Revue Européenne de Géopolitique, 2019, 54-55, pp. 134-143.
- Fungacova Z., I. Hasan, and L. Weill, “Trust in Banks”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2019, 157, pp. 452-476.
- Fungacova Z., I. Määttä, and L. Weill, “Corruption in China: What Shapes Social Attitudes Towards It?”, Comparative Economic Studies, 2019, 61, 3, pp. 493-518.
- Gagliardi N., B. Mahy, and F. Rycx, “Upstreamness, Wages and Gender: Equal Benefits for All Workers?”, British Journal of Industrial Relations, forthcoming.
- Gagliardini P., E. Ossola, and O. Scaillet, “A diagnostic criterion for approximate factor structure”, Journal of Econometrics, 2019, 212, pp. 503-521.
- Gallais-Hamonno G., T.H.V. Hoang, and K. Oosterlinck, “Price Formation on Clandestine Markets: the Case of the Paris Gold Market during the Second World War”, Economic History Review, 2019, 72, 3, pp. 1048-1072.
- Garnero A., F. Rycx, and I. Terraz, “Productivity and Wage Effects of Firm-level Collective Agreements: Evidence from Belgian Linked Panel Data”, forthcoming in the British Journal of Industrial Relations.
- Giani M. and P-G. Méon, “Global racist contagion following Donald Trump's election”, forthcoming in the British Journal of Political Science.
- Gillet R. and T. Renault, “When machines read the Web: market efficiency and costly information acquisition at the intraday level”, Finance, 2019, 2, 40, pp. 7-49.
- Glémain P., “L’entreprise sociale et son (r) apport au territoire: L’apport de la géographie humaniste à la théorie de l’Acteur-Réseau”, Annales de Géographie, 731, 1, pp. 62-82.
- Glémain P., “Le “rêvalisable”: entreprendre l’innovation au service du territoire?”, Revue d’Economie Régionale et Urbaine, 2019, 5, pp. 987-1006.
- Godfroid C., “Relationship Lending in Microfinance: How does it Impact Client Dropouts?”, Strategic Change, 2019, 28, 4, pp. 289-300.
- Godlewski C., D. Skala, and L. Weill, “Is Lending by Polish Cooperative Banks Procyclical”, Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 2019, 69, 4, pp. 342-365.
- Grinza E. and F. Rycx, “The Impact of Sickness Absenteeism on Productivity: New Evidence from Belgian Matched Panel Data”, Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society, forthcoming.
- Grinza E., S. Kampelmann, and F. Rycx, “L'union fait la force? Evidence for Wage Discrimination in Firms with High Diversity”, forthcoming in the Journal of Economic Inequality.
- Gutierrez-Nieto B. and C. Serrano-Cinca, “20 years of research in microfinance: An information management approach”, International Journal of Information Management, 2019, 47C, pp. 183-197.
- Hensmans M. and K. Van Bommel, “Brexit, the NHS and the double-edged sword of populism: Contributor to agonistic democracy or vehicle of ressentiment?”, Organization, 2019.
- Hensmans M., “A new matrix for building platform portfolios: how companies can sustain their leadership”, Journal of Business Strategy, 2019.
- Ho H.H., T.H. Vu, N.T. Dao, M.T. Ho, and Q.H. Vuong, “When the poor buy the rich: The new evidence on wealth effects of cross-border acquisitions”, Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 2019, 102.
- Ho M.T. and Q.H. Vuong, “The values and challenges of ‘openness’ in addressing the reproductibility crisis and regaining public trust in social sciences and humanities”, European Science Editing, 2019, pp. 14-16.
- Ho M.T., V.P. La, M.H. Nguyen, T.T. Vuong, K.C.P. Nghiem, T. Tran, H.K.T. Nguyen, and Q.H. Vuong, “Health care, medical insurance, and economic destitution: A dataset of 1,042 stories”, Data, 2019, 57.
- Hoang C.D., B.X. Tran, M.D. Pham, L.H. Nguyen, H.N. Do, Q.H. Vuong, M.T. Ho, N.V. Dam, T.T. Vuong, H.H. Nguyen, V. Nguyen, H.Q. Pham, G.H. Ha, C. Latkin, C.S.H. Ho, and R.C.M. Ho, “HIV and AIDS-related knowledge and attitude of residents in border regions of Vietnam”, Harm Reduction Journal, 2019, 11.
- Hooghiemstra R., N. Hermes, L. Oxelheim, and T. Randøy, “Stranger on the Board: The Impact of Board Internationalization on Earnings Management”, International Business Review, 2019, 28, 1, pp. 119-134.
- Hudon M., M. Labie, and P. Reichert, “What is a fair level of profit for social enterprise? Insights from microfinance”, forthcoming in the Journal of Business Ethics.
- Jiyong C. and Z. Li, “Terrorism and Exports in the Peripheral Countries of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor- A New Research Paradigm of Gravity Model”, forthcoming in the Economic Science.
- Jiyong C. and Z. Li, “The Roots of Terrorism under the Economic Paradigm: A Literature Review and Prospects”, forthcoming in the Economic Perspectives.
- Jiyong C. and Z. Li, “Trade Potential and Its Influencing Factors of the Neighboring Countries of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor”, Research on Economics and Management, 2019, 1, pp. 14-28.
- Jiyong C., Z. Li, and X. Liao, “Terrorist Attacks, Counter-terrorism Efforts and Trade Efficiency- In the Perspective of Heterogeneous Attack Targets”, forthcoming in the World Economy Studies.
- Kampelmann S., B. Mahy, F. Rycx, and G. Vermeylen, “Over-, Required and Under-education: Consequences on the Bottom Lines of Firms”, forthcoming in LABOUR: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations.
- Kouevi-Gath B., P-G. Méon, and L. Weill, “Do Banking Crises Improve Democracy?”, forthcoming in Public Choice.
- Labie M. and T. Montalieu, “De la microfinance à l’inclusion financière”, Mondes en Développement, 2019, 47, 185, pp. 7-12.
- Lai S.L., H.H. Pham, and Q.H. Vuong, “The role of subjective task value in forming satisfaction and loyalty among Vietnamese international students: a structural equation model”, Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 2019, pp. 1-11.
- Le A.V., D.L. Do, D.Q. Pham, P.H. Hoang, T.H. Duong, H.N. Nguyen, T.T. Vuong, H.K.T. Nguyen, M.T. Ho, V.P. La, and Q.H. Vuong, “Exploration of youth’s digital competencies: a dataset in the educational context of Vietnam”, Data, 2019, 69.
- Le T.A., D.T.T. Pham, T.T.C. Quek, G.T. Vu, C.L. Hoang, T.T. Tran, C.T. Nguyen, N.H.T. Tran, Q.H. Vuong, T.H. Tran, B.X. Tran, C.A. Latkin, C.S.H. Ho, and R.C.M. Ho, “Polysubstance Use among Patients Enrolling in Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program in a Vietnam Province with Drug-driven HIV Epidemic”, Int. J. of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 3277.
- Le T.A., L.T.Q. Mai, D.A. Dang, A.K. Dang, T.C. Nguyen, Q.H. Pham, T.G. Vu, L.C. Hoang, T.T. Tran, Q.H. Vuong, T.H. Tran, B.X. Tran, C. Latkin, C.S.H. Ho, and R.C.M. Ho, “Multi-level predictors of psychological problems among methadone maintenance treatment patients in difference types of settings in Vietnam”, Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 2019, 39.
- Le T.T.H., T. Tran, T.P.T. Trinh, C.T. Nguyen, T.P.T. Nguyen, T.T. Vuong, T.H. Vu, D.Q. Bui, H.M. Vuong, P.H. Hoang, M.H. Nguyen, M.T. Ho, and Q.H. Vuong, “Reading habits, socioeconomic conditions, occupational aspiration and academic achievement in Vietnamese junior high school students”, Sustainability, 2019, 5113.
- Li L., N. Hermes and A. Meesters, “Convergence of the Performance of Microfinance. Institutions: A Decomposition Analysis”, Economic Modelling, 2019, 81, pp. 308-324.
- Li L., N. Hermes, and R. Lensink, “Political Connections and Households’ Access to Bank Loans: Evidence from China”, forthcoming in Economic Research, 2019.
- Li Z. and C. Jiyong, “Empirical Research on the Impact of Terrorist Attacks on Unimpeded Trade- In the Perspective of Heterogeneous Attack Intensity”, forthcoming in the Journal of Macro-quality Research.
- Loulit A., “Calderon-Zygmund singular integral estimates in generalized weighted function spaces”, Pacific Journal of Mathematics.
- Manirakiza N., T. Ndikumana, and C. G. Jung, “Towards the promotion of fuel briquettes using municipal solid waste and residual biomass in Burundi”, International Journal of Environment (IJE), PSD Nepal, 2019.
- Méon P-G. and I. Tojerow, “The minority ethic: Rethinking religious denominations, minority status, and educational achievement across the globe”, Journal of Comparative Economics, March 2019, 47, 1, pp. 196-214.
- Mersland R., S.A. Nyarko, and A. Szafarz, “Mission Drift in Social Enterprises: Do Microfinance Organizations Walk the Talk?”, Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 2019, 11.
- Mersland R., S.A. Nyarko, and A.B. Sirisena, “A Hybrid Approach to International Market Selection: The Case of Impact Investing Organizations”, forthcoming in the International Business Review.
- Meyer C. and M. Hudon, “Money and the Commons: An Investigation of Complementary Currencies and Their Ethical Implications”, forthcoming in the Journal of Business Ethics.
- Mor S., C. Toma, M. Schweinsberg, and D. Ames, “Pathways to Intercultural Accuracy: Social Projection Processes and Core Cultural Values”, European Journal of Social Psychology, 2019, 49, pp. 47-62.
- Murhula Cubaka P., E. Balemba, D. Kaniurhi, M.A. Bugandwa, and M. Labie, “L’appropriation des cooperatives d’épargne et de credit par leurs members. Echelle de mesure et determinants”, Mondes en Développement, 2019, 47, 188, pp. 127-139.
- Nguyen H.K.T., V.H.T. Nguyen, T.T. Vuong, M.T. Ho, and Q.H. Vuong, “The new politics of debt in the transition economy of Vietnam”, Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies, 2019, pp. 91-110.
- Nguyen M.H., M.T. Ho, Q.Y.T. Nguyen, and Q.H. Vuong, “A dataset of students’ mental health and help-seeking behaviors in a multicultural environment”, Data, 2019, 124.
- Nguyen T.M.T., B.X. Tran, M. Flemming, M.D. Pham, L.T. Nguyen, T.L.A. Nguyen, H.T. Le, H.T. Nguyen, V.H. Hoang, T.T.X. Le, Q.H. Vuong, M.T. Ho, V.N. Dam, N. Vu, T.T. Vuong, T.L.H. Nguyen, P.H. Do, P.L. Doan, H.H. Nguyen, K. Latkin, C.S.H. Ho, and R.C.M. Ho, “HIV Knowledge and Risk Behaviors among Drug Users in three Vietnamese Mountainous Provinces”, Substance Abuse Treatment Prevention and Policy, 2019, pp. 1-8.
- Nguyen T.V.A., N.N.Q. Nguyen, T.H. Khuat, T.P.T. Nguyen, T.T. Do, X.T. Vu, K. Tran, M.T. Ho, T.H.K. Nguyen, T.T. Vuong, and Q.H. Vuong, “Righting the misperceptions of men having sex with men: a prerequisite for protecting and understanding gender incongruence in Vietnam”, Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2019, 105.
- Oosterlinck K. and A.-S. Radermecker, ““The Master of …”: Creating Names for Art History and the Art Market”, Journal of Cultural Economics, 2019, 43, 1, pp. 57-95.
- Pham K.T.H., L.H. Nguyen, Q.H. Vuong, M.T. Ho, T.T. Vuong, H.K.T. Nguyen, G.T. Vu, H.L.T. Nguyen, B.X. Tran, C.A. Latkin, C.S.H. Ho, and R.C.M. Ho, “Health Inequality between Migrant and Non-Migrant Workers in an Industrial Zone of Vietnam”, Int. J. of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 1502.
- Piton C. and F. Rycx, “The Unemployment Impact of Product and Labour Market Regulation: Evidence from European Countries”, IZA Journal of Labor Policy, 2019, 9, 2, pp. 1-32.
- Postelnicu L., N. Hermes, and R. Servin, “External Social Ties and the Repayment of Microfinance Group Lending: A Case Study of Pro Mujer Mexico”, Journal of Development Studies, 2019, 55, 8, pp. 1784-1798.
- Scaillet O., A. Treccani, and C. Trevisan, “High-frequency jump analysis of the bitcoin market”, forthcoming in a special issue of the Journal of Financial Econometrics dedicated to blockchain and cryptocurrencies.
- Schilling A., P. Çelik, and M. Storme, “What could be my next job ? Using flat information structures to generate creative future career ideas”, Journal of Creative Behavior.
- Shamshur A. and L. Weill, “Does Bank Efficiency Influence the Cost of Credit?”, Journal of Banking and Finance, 2019, 105, pp. 62-73.
- Thao T.T.P., T.L. Dao, T.H. Trinh, T. Tran, L.T.T. Trinh, and Q.H. Vuong, “Mobile learning for high-school mathematics as a path to better sustainability in a fast-changing society: An exploratory study from Vietnam”, Problems and Perspectives in Management, 2019, pp. 392-403.
- Tran B.X., Ha G.H., Vu G.T., Vuong Q.H., Ho M.T., Vuong T.T., La V.P., Ho T.M., Nghiem P.K.C., Nguyen H.L.T., Latkin C.A., Tam W.W.S., Cheung N.M., Nguyen H.K.T., Ho C.S.H., and R.C.M. Ho, “Global Evolution of Research in Artificial Intelligence in Health and Medicine: A Bibliometric Study”, J. of Clinical Medicine, 2019, 360.
- Tran B.X., L.H. Nguyen, G.T. Vu, T.H. Le, D.H. Nguyen, Q.H. Vuong, V.P. La, D.A. Hoang, V.N. Dam, T.T. Vuong, H.L.T. Nguyen, C.A. Latkin, M.W.B. Zhang, C.S.H. Ho, and R.C.M. Ho, “Online peer influences are associated with receptiveness of youths: The case of Shisha in Vietnam”, Children and Youth Services Review, 2019, pp. 18-22.
- Tran B.X., M. Fleming, T.M.T. Nguyen, G.T. Vu, Q.H. Vuong, M.T. Ho, N.V. Dam, T.T. Vuong, H.N. Do, L.P. Doan, C. Latkin, C.S.H. Ho, and R.C.M. Ho, “Changes in Substance Abuse and HIV Risk Behaviors over 12-Month Methadone Maintenance Treatment among Vietnamese Patients in Mountainous Provinces”, Int. J. of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 2422.
- Tran B.X., Vu G.T., Pham K.T.H., Vuong Q.H., Ho M.T., Vuong T.T., Nguyen H.K.T., Nguyen C.T., Latkin C.A., Ho C.S.H., and R.C.M. Ho, “Depressive symptoms among industrial workers in Vietnam and correlated factors: a multi-site survey”, Int. J. of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 1642.
- Tran T., T.T.H. Le, T.T. Nguyen, A.G. Pham, T.H. Vu, M.H. Nguyen, H.M. Vuong, P.H. Hoang, T.T. Vuong, M.T. Ho, and Q.H. Vuong, “The relationship between birth order, sex, home scholarly culture and youths’ reading practices in promoting lifelong learning for sustainable development in Vietnam”, Sustainability, 2019, 4389.
- Vanpoucke E. and S. Ellis, “Building supply-side resilience - A behavioral view”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 2019, 40, 1, pp. 11-33.
- Värendh Månsson C., T. Wry, and A. Szafarz, “Anchors Aweigh? Then Time to go Upstream. Why we Need to Theorize ‘Mission’ before ‘Drift’”, forthcoming in the Academy of Management Review, 2019.
- Vu T.H., V.D. Nguyen, M.T. Ho, and Q.H. Vuong, “Determinants of Vietnamese listed firm performance: competition, wage, CEO, firm size, age, and international trade”, Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 2019, 62.
- Vuong Q.H., “Breaking barriers in publishing demands a proactive attitude”, Nature Human Behaviour, 1034.
- Vuong Q.H., “Computational Entrepreneurship: from Economic Complexities to Interdisciplinary Research”, Problems and Perspectives in Management, 2019, pp. 117-129.
- Vuong Q.H., “SciRev: an initiative for improving peer review transparency”, European Science Editing, 2019, 18.
- Vuong Q.H., “The harsh world of publishing in emerging regions and implications for editors and publishers: The case of Vietnam”, Learned Publishing, 2019, pp. 314-324.
- Vuong Q.H., A.V. Le, V.P. La, T.T. Vuong, T.H. Do, H.M. Vuong, D.L. Do, P.H. Hoang, T.H. Vu, and M.T. Ho, “A Dataset of Vietnamese Junior High School Students’ Reading Preferences and Habits”, Data, 2019, 49.
- Vuong Q.H., Ho M.T., Vuong T.T., La V.P., Ho M.T., Nghiem P.K.C., Tran B.X., Giang H.H., Giang T.V., Latkin C., Nguyen H.K., Ho C.S., and R.C. Ho, “Artificial Intelligence vs. Natural Stupidity: Evaluating AI Readiness for the Vietnamese Medical Information System”, Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2019, 168.
- Vuong Q.H., M.T. Ho, H.K.T. Nguyen, and M.H. Nguyen, “The trilemma of sustainable industrial growth: Evidence from a piloting OECD’s Green City”, Palgrave Communications, 2019, 156.
- Vuong Q.H., P.K.C. Nghiem, V.P. La, T.T. Vuong, T.H.K. Nguyen, M.T. Ho, K. Tran, T.H. Khuat, and M.T. Ho, “Sex differences and psychological factors associated with general health examinations participation: results from a Vietnamese cross-section dataset”, Sustainability, 2019, 514.
- Vuong Q.H., Q.K. Bui, V.P. La, T.T. Vuong, T.M. Ho, H.K.T. Nguyen, N.H. Nguyen, P.K.C. Nghiem, and M.T. Ho, “Cultural evolution in Vietnam’s early 20th century: a Bayesian networks analysis of Hanoi Franco-Chinese house designs”, Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 2019.
- Vuong Q.H., T.H. Vu, Q.H. Doan, and M.T. Ho, “Determinants of Vietnamese footwear exporting firms’ market selection: A multinomial logistic analysis of panel data”, Heliyon, 2019.
- Vuong Q.H., T.M. Ho, and V.P. La, “Stargazing’ and p-hacking behaviours in social sciences: some insights from a developing country”, European Science Editing, 2019, pp. 56-57.
- Vuong Q.H., T.T. Vuong, T.H.K. Nguyen, and M.T. Ho, “The ‘same bed, different dreams’ of Vietnam and China: how (mis)trust could make or break it”, European Journal of East Asian Studies, 2019, pp. 93-128.
Papers in Other Scientific Journals
- Citoni G. and A. Piperno, “Terzi paganti privati in sanità: assicurazioni e fondi sanitari. Stato dell'arte, effetti e implicazioni di policy”, Politiche Sanitarie, 2019, pp. 14-32.
- De Brouwer O. and I. Tojerow, “Quels sont les déterminants des disparités géographiques du taux d’invalidité en Belgique ?”, Revue Belge de la Sécurité Sociale, 2019, 1, pp. 5-63.
- De Meulemeester J-L., “Universités belges francophones. Réflexions sur l’enseignement de l’économie”, La Revue Nouvelle, 2019, 7, pp. 46-56.
- La V.P. and Q.H. Vuong, “bayesvl: Visually Learning the Graphical Structure of Bayesian Networks and Performing MCMC with 'Stan'”, 2019.
- Piton C. and F. Rycx, “Unemployment impact of product and labor market regulation: evidence from European countries”, IZA Journal of Labor Policy, 2019, 9, 1.
Papers in Refereed International Scientific Journals
- Alstadsaeter A., S. Barrios, G. Nicodeme, A. Skonieczna, and A. Vezzani, "Patent Boxes Design, Patents Location and Local R&D", Economic Policy, 33, 93, 2018, pp. 131-177.
- Ashta A., "News and Trends in Fintech and Digital Microfinance: Why Are European MFIs Invisible?", FIIB Business Review, 7, 4, 2018, pp. 232-243.
- Ashta A., "Realistic Theory of Social Entrepreneurship: Selling Dreams as Visions and Missions", Cost Management, 32, 2, 2018, pp. 35-41.
- Ashta A. and G. Biot-Paquerot, "Fintech Evolution: Strategic Value Management Issues in a Fast Changing Industry", Strategic Change, 27, 4, 2018, pp. 301-312.
- Assadi D., A. Ashta, and A. Jung, "A Tale of Three Musketeers of Alternative Finance: Stagnating Microcredit, Growing P2P Online Lending and Striving for Slow Money", Innovations : Revue d'Economie et de Management de l'Innovation / Journal of Innovation Economics and Management, 2, 26, 2018, pp.13-36.
- Barrios S., G. Nicodeme, and J. Sanchez Fuentes, "Multi-Factor Effective Corporate Taxation, Firm's Mark-ups and Tax Incidence: Evidence from OECD Countries", Fiscal Studies, 39, 3, 2018, pp. 417-453.
- Blazy R., J. Petey, and L. Weill, "Serving the Creditors after Insolvency Filings: From Value Creation to Value Liquidation", European Journal of Law and Economics, 45, 2, 2018, pp. 331-375.
- Butera F., N. Sommet, and C. Toma, "Confirmation As Coping With Competition", European Review of Social Psychology, 29, 2018, pp. 299-339.
- Brihaye T., J. De Pril, M. Labie, and A. Perilleux, "Positive vs Negative Incentives for Loan Repayment in Microfinance: A Game Theory Approach", Review of Development Economics, forthcoming.
- Bruneau, V., V. Swaen, and P. Zidda, "Are Loyalty Program Members Really Engaged? Measuring Customer Engagement with Loyalty Programs", Journal of Business Research, 91, 2018, pp. 144-158.
- Chen J. and Z. Li, "China’s Risks and Prevention of Outward Foreign Direct Investment in Countries along the Belt and Road", Economic Geography, 12, 2018, pp.10-15.
- Chen J. and Z. Li, "Trade Potential and Its Influencing Factors of the Neighboring Countries of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor", Research on Economics and Management, 1, 2019, pp.14-28.
- Cieslik K., M. Hudon, and P. Verwimp, "Unruly Entrepreneurs: Investigating Value Creation by Microfinance Clients in Rural Burundi", Oxford Development Studies, 2018.
- Collet S. and K. Oosterlinck, "Denouncing Odious Debts", Journal of Business Ethics, forthcoming.
- Collet S. and K. Oosterlinck, "Le concept de dettes odieuses", Revue d’Economie Financière, forthcoming.
- Cordier M., T. Poitelon, and W.Hecq, "The Shared Environmental Responsibility Principle: New Developments Applied to the Case of Marine Ecosystems", Economic Systems Research, 2018.
- Cornée S., "The Relevance of Soft Information for Predicting Small Business Credit Default: Evidence from a Social Bank", Journal of Small Business Management, forthcoming.
- Cornée S., P. Kalmi, and A. Szafarz, "How Costly is Social Screening? Evidence from the Banking Industry", Economics Bulletin, 38, 1, 2018, pp. 532-540.
- Corsi M., C. D’Ippoliti, and G. Zacchia, "A Case Study of Pluralism in Economics: The Heterodox Glass Ceiling in Italy", Review of Political Economy, 2018, pp. 172-189.
- Cozarenco A. and A. Szafarz, "Gender Biases in Bank Lending: Lessons from Microcredit in France", Journal of Business Ethics, 147, 3, 2018, pp. 631-650.
- Cultrera L. and G. Vermeylen, "Is It Worth Applying For A Rescue Plan? A Psm Analysis For European SMES", International Advances in Economic Research, 2018, pp. 281-282.
- Deschamps C. and J. Mattijs, "How Organizational Learning Is Supported by Performance Management Systems: Evidence from a Longitudinal Case Study", Public Performance & Management Review, 41, 3, 2018, pp. 469-96.
- Dorfleitner G. and C. Lung, "Cryptocurrencies from the Perspective of Euro Investors: a ReExamination of Diversification Benefits and a New Day-of-The-Week Effect", Journal of Asset Management, 19, 2018, pp. 472-494.
- Dorfleitner G. and F. Rößle, "The Financial Performance Of The Health Care Industry: A Global, Regional And Industry Specific Empirical Investigation", European Journal of Health Economics, 19, 2018, pp. 585-594.
- Dorfleitner G. and W. Gleißner, "Valuing Streams of Risky Cash Flows with Risk-Value Models", Journal of Risk, 20, 2018, pp. 1-27.
- Dorfleitner G., J. Gerer, and A. Gerl, "The Pricing Efficiency of Exchange-Traded Commodities", Review of Managerial Science, 12, 2018, pp. 255-284.
- Dorfleitner G., L. Fischer, C. Lung, P. Willmertinger, N. Stang, and N. Dietrich, "To Follow or Not to Follow - An Empirical Analysis of The Returns of Actors on Social Trading Platforms", Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 70, 2018, pp. 160-171.
- Dorfleitner G., L. Hornuf, and M. Weber, "Dynamics of Investor Communication in Equity Crowdfunding", Electronic Markets, 28, 2018, pp. 523-540.
- Dorfleitner G., Q.A. Nguyen, and M. Röhe, "Microfinance Institutions And The Provision Of Mobile Financial Services: First Empirical Evidence", Finance Research Letters, 2018, forthcoming.
- Dorfleitner G., S. Utz, and M. Wimmer, "Patience Pays Off – Corporate Social Responsibility and Long-Term Stock Returns", Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment, 8, 2018, pp. 132-157.
- Drumaux A. and P. Joyce,"Implementing and Evaluating Government Strategic Plans: A Case Study of the Europe 2020 Strategy" in Drumaux A., B. George, P. Joyce and F. Longo (Eds.), "Strategic planning that works - evidence from the European public sector", Special issue of Public Money & Management (IP 0,881), 2019, forthcoming.
- Fouillet C. and S. Morvant-Roux, "L’inclusion financière au service de l’Inde et au Mexique ?", Revue internationale de politique de développement, 2018.
- Fungacova Z. and L. Weill, "Trusting Banks in China", Pacific Economic Review, 23, 2, 2018, pp. 131-149.
- Gallais-Hamonno G., T.H.V Hoang, and K. Oosterlinck, "Price Formation on Clandestine Markets: the Case of the Paris Gold Market during World War II", Economic History Review, forthcoming.
- Gerer J. and G. Dorfleitner, "Optimal Discrete Hedging of American Options Using an Integrated Approach to Options with Complex Embedded Decisions", Review of Derivatives Research, 21, 2018, pp. 175-199.
- Gillet R. and S. Ligot, "Fragmentation and Price Discovery Dynamics : Determining The Contributions of Multilateral Trading Facilities and Regulated Market", Review of Finance, forthcoming.
- Gillet R. and T. Renault, "When Machines Read The Web: Market Efficiency and Costly Information Acquisition at the Intraday Level", Finance, forthcoming.
- Glémain P., T. Cuenoud, et C. Deffains-Crapsky, "Ecosystème entrepreneurial local et finances participatives: les enjeux d’une coopération", Marché & Organisations, 31, 2018, pp.151-173.
- Glémain P. et V. Billaudeau, "Finances solidaires et gestion des biens communs: L’expérimentation du fonds de dotation Angers Mécénat", Marché & Organisations, 31, 2018, pp.125-151.
- Glémain P., "Le « Rêvalisable » : un nouveau modèle d’entrepreneuriat collectif solidaire ? Eléments de réponse avec le cluster des Articulteurs", Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat, forthcoming.
- Guerin I., M. Labie, and S. Morvant-Roux, "Inadequate Growth, Over-Indebtedness, and Crises in Microcredit: What Have we Learned ?", Entreprise Development and Microfinance, 29, 2, 2018, pp. 118-132.
- Hermes C. and M. Hudon, "Determinants of the Performance of Microfinance Institutions: A Systematic Review", Journal of Economic Surveys, forthcoming.
- Hudon M., M. Labie, and P. Reichert, "What Is a Fair Level of Profit for Social Enterprise? Insights from Microfinance", Journal of Business Ethics, forthcoming.
- Jaballah J., J. Peillex, and L. Weill, "Is Being Islamic Worth It?", Economic Modelling, 72, 2018, pp. 353-362.
- Jackson K.T., "Mindful Work: How Meditation is Changing Business from the Inside Out", Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion, 15, 3, 2018, pp. 277-281.
- Jackson K.T., "Interpreting the Virtues of Mindfulness and Compassion: Contemplative Practices and Virtue-Oriented Business Ethics", Humanistic Management Journal, 3, 1, 2018, pp. 47-69.
- Jayashankar P., A. Ashta, and M. Rasmussen, "What Are The Lessons from Nature for Doing Well and Doing Good in Different Environments? A Hybrid Perspective of Microfinance and Slow Money", Strategic Change, 2018, 27, 6, pp. 523-538.
- Jayashankar P., H. Van Auken, and A. Ashta, "What Motivates Ecopreneurs in the United States to Create Value?", Strategic Change, 27, 6, 2018, pp. 509-521.
- Kampelmann S., F. Rycx, Y. Saks, and I. Tojerow, "Does Education Raise Productivity and Wages Equally? The Moderating Role of Age and Gender", Journal of Labor Economics, IZA, 2018, pp. 1-37.
- Kampelmann S., F. Rycx, Y. Saks, and I. Tojerow, "Misalignment of Productivity and Wages Across Regions", Regional Studies, 2018, pp. 1695-1707.
- Khuat T.H., T.T. Do, V.A.T. Nguyen, X.T. Vu, P.T.T. Nguyen, K. Tran, M.T. Ho, T.H.K. Nguyen, T.T. Vuong, V.P. La and Q.H. Vuong, "The Dark Side of Female HIV Patient Care: Sexual and Reproductive Health Risks in Pre- and Post-Clinical Treatments", Journal of Clinical Medicine, 7, 11, 402, 2018. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm7110402.
- Klein P.O. and L. Weill, "Bond Offerings in China: The Role of Ownership", Economics of Transition, 26, 3, 2018, pp. 363-399. Klein P.O., L. Weill, and C. Godlewski, "How Sukuk Shapes Firm Performance", World Economy, 41, 3, 2018, pp. 699-722.
- Lacroix J., "Steam Democracy Up! Industrialization-Led Opposition in Napoleonic Plebiscites", European Review of Economic History, 22, 2, 2018, pp. 135-160.
- Léon F. and L. Weill, "Islamic Banking Development and Access to Credit", Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 52, 2018, pp. 54-69.
- Loulit A., "Calderon-Zygmund Singular Integral Estimates in Generalized Weighted Function Spaces”, Pacific J. Math., 2018, pp. 1-20.
- Loulit A., "Carleman Estimate, UCP and the Morrey Class , 2 , 2 1 p n F n " Communications in Optimization Theory, 2018, pp. 1-22.
- Méon P-G. and I. Tojerow, "The Minority Ethic: Rethinking Religious Denominations, Minority Status, and Educational Achievement Across The Globe", Journal of Comparative Economics, forthcoming.
- Méon P-G. and P. Harms, "Good and Useless FDI: the Growth Effects of Greenfield Investment and Mergers and Acquisitions in Developing Countries", Review of International Economics, 26, 1, 2018, pp. 37-59.
- Meyer S., L. Holzemer, B. Delbeke, L. Middlemiss, and K. Maréchald, "Capturing the Multifaceted Nature of Energy Poverty: Lessons from Belgium", Energy Research & Social Science, 40, 2018, pp. 273-283.
- Meyer C. and M. Hudon, "Alternative Organizations in Finance: Commoning in Complementary Currencies", Organization, 24, 5, 2017, pp. 629-647.
- Meyer C. and M. Hudon, "Money and the Commons: An Investigation of Complementary Currencies and Their Ethical Implications", Journal of Business Ethics, forthcoming.
- Milano C. and S. Rothenberger, "Democratization or Vulgarization of Cultural Capital? The Acceptance of Facebook’s Use by Theater Audiences", Journal of Marketing Trends, 1, 2018.
- Nguyen T.M.T., B.X. Tran, M. Flemming, M.D. Pham, L.T. Nguyen, H.T. Le, A.L.T. Nguyen, T.H. Le, T.H. Nguyen, V.H. Hoang, X.T.T. Le, Q.H. Vuong, M.T. Ho, V.N. Dam, T.T.Vuong, H.N. Do, V. Nguyen, H.L.T. Nguyen, H.P. Do, P.L. Doan, H.H. Nguyen, C.A. Latkin, C.S.H. Ho, R.C.M. Ho, "Methadone Maintenance Treatment Reduces the Vulnerability of Drug Users on HIV/AIDS in VIETNAMESE Remote Settings: Assessing the Changes in HIV Knowledge, Perceived Risk, and Testing Uptake After a 12-Month FollowUp", International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15,11, 2567, 2018.
- Oosterlinck K. and H. Pirotte, "Stock Exchange Competition: the Case of Geneva during the Interwar Period", Financial History Review, 2018, pp. 183-201.
- Oosterlinck K. and A-S. Radermecker, "The Master of …: Creating Names for Art History and the Art Market", Journal of Cultural Economics, forthcoming.
- Parekh N. and A. Ashta, "An Institutional Logics Perspective To Evolution of Indian Microcredit Business Models", Strategic Change, 27, 4, 2018, pp. 313-327.
- Piton C. and F. Rycx, "The Unemployment Impact of Product and Labour Market Regulation: Evidence from European Countries", Journal of Labor Policy, IZA, forthcoming in 2019.
- Scaillet O., "Early Exercise Decision in American Options with Dividends, Stochastic Volatility and Jumps", with Cosma A., S. Galluccio and P. Pederzoli, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, forthcoming.
- Scaillet O., "High-Frequency Jump Analysis of the Bitcoin Market", with Treccani A. and C. Trevisan, special issue of the Journal of Financial Econometrics dedicated to blockchain and cryptocurrencies, forthcoming.
- Scaillet O., "Spanning Tests for Markowitz Stochastic Dominance", with Arvanitis S. and N. Topaloglou, special issue in Journal of Econometrics on Nonlinear Financial Econometrics, forthcoming.
- Sekkat K., "The Contribution of Oliver Williamson to Social Sciences: A Selective Review", Frontiers in Science and Engineering, forthcoming.
- Serrano-Cinca C., B. Gutiérrez-Nieto, and M. Bernate-Valbuena, "The Use of Accounting Anomalies Indicators to Predict Business Failure", European Management Journal, forthcoming.
- Skala D. and L. Weill, "Does Gender of CEOs Influence Bank Risk?", Economic Systems, 42, 2018, pp. 64-74.
- Tran B.X., T.H. Mai, M. Fleming, H.N. Do, T.M.T. Nguyen, Q.H. Vuong, M.T. Ho, N.V. Dam, T.T. Vuong, G.H. Ha, N.T. Truong, C.A. Latkin, C.S.H. Ho and R.C.M. Ho, "Factors Associated with Substance Use and Sexual Behavior among Drug Users in Three Mountainous Provinces of Vietnam", Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 15, 9, 1885, 2018.
- Tran B.X., Q.N. Nguyen, A.K. Dang, G.T. Vu, Q.H. Vuong, V.P. La, A.D. Hoang, V.N. Dam, T.T. Vuong, H.L. Nguyen, H.T. Le, C.A. Latkin, C.M. Ho, R. Ho, "Acceptability and Willingness to Pay for a Mobile Phone Vaccination Application in a Vietnamese Cohort", Patient Preference and Adherence, 12, 2018, pp. 2583-2591.
- Tran B.X., T.V. Pham, G.H. Ha, A.T. Ngo, L.H. Nguyen, T.T.M. Vu, H.N. Do, V. Nguyen, A.T.L. Nguyen, T.T. Tran, N.T. Truong, Q.H. Vuong, T.M. Ho, N.V. Dam, T.T. Vuong, H.Q. Nguyen, T.H. Le, H.T. Do, M. Moir, Y. Shimpuku, M. Dhimal, S.S. Arya, T.H. Nguyen, S. Bhattarai, C.A. Latkin, C.S.H. Ho, R.C.M. Ho, "A Bibliometric Analysis of the Global Research Trend in Child Maltreatment", Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 15, 7, 1456, 2018.
- Verwimp P., P. Justino, and T. Brück, "The Micro-Economics of Violent Conflict", Journal of Development Economics, forthcoming.
- Vuong Q.H., "How Did Researchers Get It So Wrong? The Acute Problem of Plagiarism in Vietnamese Social Sciences and Humanities", European Science Editing, 44, 3, 2018, pp. 56- 58.
- Vuong Q.H., "Sociodemographic Factors Influencing Vietnamese Patient Satisfaction with Healthcare Services and Some Meaningful Empirical Thresholds", Iranian Journal of Public Health, 47, 1, 2018, pp. 119-126.
- Vuong Q.H., "The (Ir)rational Consideration of the Cost of Science in Transition Economies", Nature Human Behaviour, 2, 1, 5, 2018.
- Vuong Q.H., M.T. Ho, H.K. Nguyen, T.T. Vuong, "Healthcare Consumers’ Sensitivity to Costs: a Reflection on Behavioural Economics from an Emerging Market", Palgrave Communications, 4, 70, 2018.
- Vuong Q.H., M.T. Ho, H.K.T. Nguyen, T.T. Vuong, K. Tran, M.T. Ho, "Paintings Can Be Forged, But Not Feeling,Vietnamese Art- Market, Fraud, and Value", Arts, 7, 4, 62, 2018.
- Vuong Q.H., A.D. Hoang, T.T. Vuong, V.P. La, T.H.K. Nguyen, M.T. Ho, "Factors Associated with the Regularity of Physical Exercises as a Means of Improving the Social Public Health System in Vietnam", Sustainability, 10, 11, 3828, 2018.
- Vuong Q.H., V.P. La, T.T. Vuong, M.T Ho., T.H.K. Nguyen, T.V.H. Nguyen, H.H. Pham, M.T. Ho, "An Open Database of Productivity in Vietnam's Social Sciences and Humanities for Public Use", Scientific Data, 5, 180188, 2018.
- Vuong Q.H., V.P. La, T.T. Vuong, V.H. Nguyen, M.T. Ho, T.H.K. Nguyen, Q.K. Bui, M.T. Ho, "Cultural Additivity: Behavioural Insights from the Interaction of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism in Folktales", Palgrave Communications, 4, 143, 2018.
- Vuong Q.H., N.K. Napier, M.T. Ho, V.H. Nguyen, T.T. Vuong, H.H. Pham, T.H.K. Nguyen, "Effects of Work Environment and Collaboration on Research Productivity in Vietnamese Social Sciences: Evidence from 2008 to 2017 Scopus Data", Studies in Higher Education, 43, 2018.
- Vuong T.T., T.H.K. Nguyen, M.T. Ho, M.T. Ho, Q.H. Vuong, "The (In)significance of Socio-Demographic Factors as Possible Determinants of Vietnamese Social Scientists’ Contribution-Adjusted Productivity: Preliminary Results from 2008-2017 Scopus Data", Societies, 8, 1, 3, 2018.
- Wynen J., W. Van Dooren, J. Mattijs, and C. Deschamps, "Linking Turnover to Organizational Performance: The Role of Process Conformance", Public Management Review, 2018, pp. 1-17.
- Zins A. and L.Weill, "Cyclicality of Lending in Africa: The Influence of Bank Ownership", Emerging Markets Review, 37, 2018, pp. 164-180.
- Zins A. and L.Weill, "Do Pan-African Banks Have the Best of Both Worlds?", Economic Systems, 42, 4, 2018, pp. 665-681.
Papers in Refereed National Scientific Journals
- Kampelmann S., F. Rycx, Y. Saks, and I. Tojerow, "Belemmeren Loonkosten de Werkgelegenheid Voor Laaggeschoolden in België?", Over.Werk, 2018, pp. 84-90.
Papers in Other Scientific Journals
- De Brouwer O. and I. Tojerow, "Quels sont les déterminants des disparités géographiques de taux d’invalidité en Belgique ?", Revue Belge de la Sécurité Sociale, 2018.
- Fouillet C., I. Guérin, and J. M. Servet, "La démonétisation, un an après", Revue France Forum, Institut Jean Le Canuet, 68, 2018, pp. 17-19.
- Goethals C. and M. Wunderle, "Le Secteur Pharmaceutique en Belgique", Courrier Hebdomadaire, Centre de Recherche et d’Information Socio-Politique, 2366-2367, 2018, 87 p.
- Jackson K.T., "If the Dalai Lama Ran General Mills." Public Discourse (online), 2018.
- Piperno A. and Citoni G., "Secondo Pilastro in Sanità e Tutela della Salute: Rischi, Opportunità e Scenari Possibili", Politiche Sociali/Social Policies, 2018, pp. 293-298.
- Renier L. A., E-P. Kleinlogel, C. Toma, M. Schmid Mast, and N-A. Murphy, "No Expectation, no Disappointment: How Does Meta-Accuracy Affect Hireability?", Academy of Management Proceedings, 1, 2018.
Papers in Refereed International Scientific Journals
- Allet M., "Mitigating Environmental Risks in Microenterprises: A Case Study from El Salvador", Business & Society, 56, 1, 2017, pp. 57-91.
- Alia H., A. Ashta, and Z. Ratsimalahelo, "A Modified Household Economic Portfolio Model for Assessing Impact of Microfinance Using Diaries", Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 20, 1, 2017, pp. 2-27.
- Alstadsaeter A., S. Barrios, G. Nicodeme, A. Skonieczna, and A. Vezzani, "Patent Boxes Design, Patents Location and Local R&D", Economic Policy, forthcoming.
- Amintas A., P. Glémain, and J. Urasadettan, "Liens entre culture organisationnelle et type de coopération: le cas d’Emmaüs International", Revue Française de Gestion, forthcoming.
- Artis A. and S. Cornée, "Transformation informationnelle, certification et intermédiation financière : le cas de la banque solidaire", Systèmes d'Information et Management, 21, 3, 2017, pp. 93-131.
- Ashta A., "Evolution of Mobile Banking Regulations: A Case Study on Legislator's Behavior", Strategic Change, 26, 1, 2017, pp. 3-20.
- Ashta A., "From Microfinance to Inclusive Banking: Why Local Banking Works", Journal of Innovation Economics and Management, 23, 2017, pp. 209-212.
- Ashta A., "Why Minority Interests May Be Encouraged by Majority Regulation: A Case Study Illustrated by Slow Money Movement", Strategic Change, 26, 6, 2017, pp. 617-626.
- Ashta A. and G. Cheney, "Opportunities and Challenges in the Diffusion of Social Innovation: French Cooperatives of Salaried Entrepreneurs", Review of Social Studies, 4, 2, 2017, pp. 19- 51.
- Ashta A., R.H. Schmidt, H.D. Seibel, and P. Thomes, "From Microfinance to Inclusive Banking: Why Local Banking Works", Weinheim, Germany, Wiley-VCH Verlag, 364 p., Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, 2, 23, 2017, pp. 209-212.
- Ashta A. and C. Sinapi, "The Greek Crisis: A Gandhian Perspective", Challenge, 60, 2, 2017, pp. 189-222.
- Attanasio B., O. Attanasio, and B. Augsburg, "Holy Cows or Cash Cows", Economic Development and Cultural Change, forthcoming.
- Bali Swain R. and F.Y. Wallentin, "The Impact of Microfinance on Factors Empowering Women: Differences in Regional and Delivery Mechanisms in India's SHG Programme", Journal of Development Studies, 53, 5, 2017, pp. 684-699.
- Barrios S., G. Nicodeme, and J. Sanchez Fuentes, "Multi-factor Effective Corporate Taxation, Firm's Mark-ups and Tax Incidence: Evidence from OECD Countries", Fiscal Studies, forthcoming.
- Baztan J., M. Cordier, J-M. Huctin, Z. Zhu, and J-P. Vanderlinden, "Life on Thin Ice: Insights from Uummannaq, Greenland for Connecting Climate Science with Arctic Communities", Polar Science, 2017, pp. 100–108.
- Blanchet C. and E. Michinov, "Impact of the Anticipation of Membership Change on Transactive Memory and Group Performance", Current Research in Social Psychology, 24, 5, 2017, pp. 1-10.
- Botti F., M. Corsi, and G. Zacchia, "La microfinanza in Europa", Moneta e Credito, 70, 278, 2017, pp. 101-29.
- Bouillé J. and S. Cornée, "La gouvernance des organisations de l'économie sociale et solidaire à l'épreuve dynamique de leurs 'grandeurs'", Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 88, 4, 2017, pp. 567-588.
- Bourlès R. and A. Cozarenco, "Entrepreneurial Motivation and Business Performance: Evidence from a French Microfinance Institution", Small Business Economics, 2017, pp. 1-21.
- Brière M., J. Peillex, L. Ureche-Rangau, "Do Social Responsibility Screens Matter when Assessing Mutual Funds Performance?", Financial Analysts Journal, 76, 3, 2017, pp. 53-66.
- Bulte E., A. Kontoleon, J. List, T. Turley, and M. Voors, "From Personalized Exchange towards Anonymous Trade: A Field Experiment on the Workings of the Invisible Hand", Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 133, 2017, pp. 313-330.
- Bumacov V., A. Ashta, and P. Singh, "Credit Scoring: A Historic Recurrence in Microfinance", Strategic Change, 26, 6, 2017, pp. 543-554.
- Bumacov V., A. Ashta, and P. Singh, "Poverty Scoring and Financial Inclusion of the Poor", Strategic Change, 26, 6, 2017, pp. 555-562.
- Burietz A., K. Oosterlinck, and A. Szafarz, "Europe vs. the U.S.: A New Look at the Syndicated Loan Pricing Puzzle", Economics Letters, 160, 2017, pp. 50-53.
- Campbell C.J., R.P. Chang, J.C. DeJong Jr, R. Doktor, L. Oxelheim, and T. Randøy, "National Economic Growth and CEO Incentive Compensation", Business & Management Review, 8, 4, 2017, p. 59.
- Camponovo L., O. Scaillet, and F. Trojani, "Comments on: Nonparametric Tail Risk, Stock Returns and the Macroeconomy", Journal of Financial Econometrics, 15, 2017, pp. 377-387.
- Cao E., M. Huis, S. Jemaneh, and R. Lensink, "Community Conversations as a Strategy to Change Harmful Traditional Practices Against Women", Applied Economics Letters, 24, 2, 2017, pp. 72-74.
- Çelik P. and M. Storme, "Trait emotional intelligence predicts academic satisfaction through career adaptability", Journal of Career Assessment, forthcoming.
- Chami G.F., A.A. Kontoleon, E. Bulte, A. Fenwick, N.B. Kabatereine, E.M. Tukahebwa, and D.W. Dunne, "Community-directed Mass Drug Administration is Undermined by Status Seeking in Friendship Networks and Inadequate Trust in Health Advice Networks", Social Science & Medicine, 183, 2017, pp. 37-47.
- Cirillo V., M. Corsi, and C. D’Ippoliti, "European Households’ Incomes since the Crisis", Investigación Económica, LXXVI, 301, 2017, pp. 57-85, 2017.
- Cordier M., T. Uehara, J. Weih, and B. Hamaide, "An Input-output Economic Model Integrated within a System Dynamics Ecological Model: Feedback Loop Methodology Applied to Fish Nursery Restoration", Ecological Economics, 2017, pp. 46–57.
- Cornée S., "The Relevance of Soft Information for Predicting Small Business Credit Default: Evidence from a Social Bank", Journal of Small Business Management, forthcoming.
- Corsi M. and M. De Angelis, "Gender Discrimination in Microfinance? Some Evidence from Uganda", Journal of Development Studies, 53, 5, 2017, pp. 723-740.
- Cozarenco A. and A. Szafarz, "Gender Biases in Bank Lending: Lessons from Microcredit in France", Journal of Business Ethics, forthcoming.
- Daoud Y. and K. Sekkat, "Cross-country Comparative Analysis of SMEs’ TFP in MENA Region: A Firm Level Assessment", Middle East Development Journal, 9, 1, 2017, pp. 55-83.
- Dato M.H., R. Mersland, and N. Mori, "Board Committees and Performance in Microfinance Institutions: Evidence from Ethiopia", International Journal of Emerging Markets, forthcoming.
- D’Espallier B., J. Goedecke, M. Hudon, and R. Mersland, "From NGOs to Banks: Does Institutional Transformation Alter the Business Model of Microfinance Institutions?", World Development, 89, 2017, pp. 19-33.
- D’Espallier B., M. Hudon, and A. Szafarz, "Aid Volatility and Social Performance in Microfinance", Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 46, 1, 2017, pp. 116-140.
- Dedeurwaerdere T., O. De Schutter, M. Hudon, E. Mathijs, B. Annaert, T. Avermaete, T. Bleeckx, C. de Callataÿ, P. De Snijder, P. Fernández-Wulff, H. Joachain, and J.-L. Vivero, "The Governance Features of Social Enterprise and Social Network Activities of Collective Food Buying Groups", Ecological Economics, 140, 2017, pp. 123-135.
- Deschamps C. and J. Mattijs, "Sustainable Goal Setting: A Large-scale Case in Management Practice", International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 66, 8, 2017, pp. 1087-1104.
- Djan K.O. and R. Mersland, "Does Religious Affiliation Influence the Design of Corporate Governance? Evidence from the Global Microfinance Industry", Strategic Change, 26, 2, 2017, pp. 101-116.
- Dorfleitner G., J. Gerer, and A. Gerl, "The Pricing Efficiency of Exchange-Traded Commodities", Review of Managerial Science, 12, 1, 2018, pp. 255-284.
- Dorfleitner G. and W. Gleißner, "Valuing Streams of Risky Cash Flows with Risk-value Models", Journal of Risk, forthcoming.
- Dorfleitner G., S. Just-Marx, and C. Priberny, "What Drives the Repayment of Agricultural Micro Loans? Evidence from Nicaragua", Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 63, 2017, pp. 89-100.
- Dorfleitner G. and M. Nguyen, "A New Approach for Optimizing Responsible Investments Dependently on the Initial Wealth", Journal of Asset Management, 18, 2017, pp. 81-98.
- Dorfleitner G., C. Priberny, and M. Röhe, "Why Do Microfinance Institutions Fail Socially? A Global Empirical Examination", Finance Research Letters, 22, 2017, pp. 81-89.
- Dorfleitner G., M. Röhe, and N. Renier, "The Access of Microfinance Institutions to Debt Capital: An Empirical Investigation of Microfinance Investment Vehicles", Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 65, 2017, pp. 1-15.
- Dorfleitner G. and F. Rößle, "The Financial Performance of the Health Care Industry: A Global, Regional and Industry Specific Empirical Investigation", European Journal of Health Economics, forthcoming.
- Elkhuizen, L., N. Hermes, J. Jacobs, and A. Meesters, "Financial Development, Financial Liberalization and Social Capital", Applied Economics, forthcoming.
- Euwe J. and K. Oosterlinck, "Art Price Economics in the Netherlands during World War II", Journal for Art Market Studies, 1, 1, 2017, pp. 47-67.
- Ferragina A., F. Mazzotta, and K. Sekkat, "Financial Constraints and Productivity Growth across the Size Spectrum. Microeconomic Evidence from Morocco", Eurasian Business Review, forthcoming.
- Fungacova Z., A. Shamshur, and L. Weill, "Does Bank Competition Reduce Cost of Credit? Cross-Country Evidence from Europe", Journal of Banking and Finance, 83, 2017, pp. 104- 120.
- Fungacova Z., L. Weill, and M. Zhou, "Bank Capital, Liquidity Creation and Deposit Insurance", Journal of Financial Services Research, 51, 1, 2017, pp. 97-123.
- Gagliardini P. and O. Scaillet, "A Specification Test for Nonparametric Instrumental Variable Regression", Annals of Economics and Statistics, Special Issue on "Inverse Problems in Econometrics", forthcoming.
- Garikipati S., I. Agier, I. Guérin, and A. Szafarz, "The Cost of Empowerment: Multiple Sources of Women’s Debt in Rural India", Journal of Development Studies, 53, 5, 2017, pp. 700-722.
- Garikipati S. and C. Boudot, "To Pad or Not to Pad: Towards Better Sanitary Care for Women in Indian Slums", Journal of International Development, 29, 1, 2017, pp. 32-51.
- Garikipati S., I. Guérin, S. Johnson, and A. Szafarz, "Microfinance and Gender: Issues, Challenges and the Road Ahead", Journal of Development Studies, 53, 5, 2017, pp. 641-648.
- Gerer J. and G. Dorfleitner, "Optimal Discrete Hedging of American Options Using an Integrated Approach to Options with Complex Embedded Decisions", Review of Derivatives Research, 2017, pp. 1-25.
- Giuliano R., S. Kampelman, B. Mahy, and F. Rycx, "Short Notice, Big Difference? The Effect of Temporary Employment on Firm Competitiveness across Sectors", British Journal of Industrial Relations, 55, 2, 2017, pp. 421-449.
- Giuliano R., B. Mahy, F. Rycx, and G. Vermeylen, "Does Corporate Social Responsibility Make Over-educated Workers More Productive?", Applied Economics, 49, 6, 2017, pp. 587- 605.
- Glémain P., "Penser le convivialisme dans l'économie sociale contemporaine", RECMA-Revue internationale d'Economie Sociale, 346, 2017, pp. 27-41.
- Glémain P. and J. Urasadettan, "Le bénévolat des retraités comme continuité de carrière : une relecture à partir du concept de carrière subjective", "Les âges de la vie au travail", Revue Carriérologie, 13/4, 2017, pp.339-466.
- Godfroid C., "Are Microfinance Loan Officers Closer to Banking Staff or to Non-Profit Workers? A Motivational Approach", Strategic Change, 26, 2, 2017, pp. 117-132.
- Gregorič A., L. Oxelheim, T. Randøy, and S. Thomsen, "Resistance to Change in the Corporate Elite: Female Directors’ Appointments onto Nordic Boards", Journal of Business Ethics, 141, 2, 2017, pp. 267-287.
- Guérin I. and S. Kumar, "Market, Freedom and the Illusions of Microcredit. Patronage, Caste, Class and Patriarchy in Rural South India", Journal of Development Studies, 53, 5, 2017, pp. 741-754.
- Gutiérrez-Nieto B., C. Serrano-Cinca, B. Cuellar-Fernández, and Y. Fuertes-Callén, "The Poverty Penalty and Microcredit", Social Indicators Research, 133, 2, 2017, pp. 455-475.
- Gutiérrez-Nieto B., C. Serrano‐Cinca, and M. de la Cuesta, "A Multivariate Study of Over‐ indebtedness' Causes and Consequences", International Journal of Consumer Studies, 41, 2, 2017, pp. 188-198.
- Hannam M. and A. Ashta, "Learning from Gandhi: Addressing the Current Dilemmas in Microfinance", Strategic Change, 26, 6, 2017, pp. 527-541.
- Hartmann T. and E. Vanpoucke, "User Acceptance of Technologies in their Infancy: The Case of 3D Printing Business Models", Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 29, 2, 2017, pp. 1-24.
- Hayek A.S., C. Toma, S. Guidotti, D. Oberlé, and F. Butera, "Grades Degrades Group Coordination: Deteriorated Interactions and Performance in a Cooperative Motor Task", European Journal of Psychology of Education, 32, 2017, pp. 97-112.
- Ho T.M., V.H. Nguyen, T.T. Vuong, Q.M. Dam, H.H. Pham, and Q.H. Vuong, "Exploring Vietnamese Co-authorship Patterns in Social Sciences with Basic Network Measures of 2008- 2017 Scopus Data", F1000Research, 6, 1559, 2017, p. 1-21.
- Ho T.M., H.K.T. Nguyen, T.T. Vuong, and Q.H. Vuong, "On the Sustainability of Coauthoring Behaviors in Vietnamese Social Sciences: A Preliminary Analysis of Network Data", Sustainability, 9, 11, 2142, 2017, p. 1-21.
- Hudon M. and B. Huybrechts, "From Distant Neighbours to Bedmates: Exploring the Synergies between the Social Economy and Sustainable Development", Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 88, 2, 2017, pp. 141-154.
- Huhtaniemi H. and M. Peters, "Central counterparty recovery and resolution: the European perspective", Journal of Financial Markets, 6, 1, septembre 2017, pp. 79-106.
- Huberman M., C. Meissner, and K. Oosterlinck, "Technology and Geography in the Second Industrial Revolution: New Evidence from the Margins of Trade", Journal of Economic History, 77, 1, 2017, pp. 39-89.
- Jackson K.T., "Music and Virtuosity: A Higher Vision for Business", Humanistic Management Journal, 2, 1, 2017, pp. 15-36.
- Johnson S., "We Don’t Have This is Mine and This is His’: Managing Money and the Character of Conjugality in Kenya", Journal of Development Studies, 53, 5, 2017, pp. 755-768.
- Johnson S., "Competing Visions of Financial Inclusion in Kenya: The Rift Revealed by Mobile Money Transfer", Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 38, 2, 2017, p. 296.
- Johnson S. and S. Rasulova, "Qualitative Research and the Evaluation of Development Impact: Incorporating Authenticity into the Assessment of Rigour", Journal of Development Effectiveness, 9, 2, 2017, pp. 263-276.
- Kampelmann S., F. Rycx, Y. Saks, and I. Tojerow, "Misalignment of Productivity and Wages across Regions", Regional Studies, forthcoming.
- Kampelmann S., F. Rycx, Y. Saks, and I. Tojerow, "Does Education Raise Productivity and Wages Equally? The Moderating Role of Age and Gender", IZA Journal of Labor Economics, 7, 1, forthcoming, pp. 1-37.
- Kar A.K. and R. Bali Swain, "Are Microfinance Markets Monopolistic?", Applied Economics, 50, 1, forthcoming, pp. 1-14.
- Khachatryan K., V. Hartarska, and A. Grigoryan, "Performance and Capital Structure of Microfinance Institutions in Eastern Europe and Central Asia", Eastern European Economics, 2017, pp. 1-25.
- Klein P-O., R. Turk-Ariss, and L. Weill, "Religiosity vs. Well-Being Effects on Investor Behavior", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 138, 2017, pp. 50-62.
- Labie M., C. Laureti, and A. Szafarz, "Discipline and Flexibility: A Behavioural Perspective on Microfinance Product Design", Oxford Development Studies, 45, 3, 2017, pp. 321-337.
- Laureti C., "Why Do Poor People Co-Hold Debt and Liquid Savings?", Journal of Development Studies, forthcoming.
- Laureti C. and A. Szafarz, "The Price of Deposit Liquidity: Banks versus Microfinance Institutions", Applied Economics Letters, 23, 17, 2017, pp. 1244-1249.
- Lensink R., T. Raster, and A. Timmer, "Liquidity Constraints and Willingness to Pay for Solar Lamps and Water Filters in Jakarta", European Journal of Development Research, 2017, pp. 1-11.
- Lensink R., R. Servin, and M. Berg, "Do Savings and Credit Institutions Reduce Vulnerability? New Evidence from Mexico", Review of Income and Wealth, 63, 2, 2017, pp. 335-352.
- Levy M. and A. Szafarz, "Cross-Ownership: A Device for Management Entrenchment?", Review of Finance, 21, 4, 2017, pp. 1675-1699.
- Marechal K. and L. Holzemer, "Unravelling the 'Ingredients' of Energy Consumption: Exploring Home-related Practices in Belgium", Energy Research & Social Science, 39, 2018, pp. 19-28.
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- Melesse M.B., A. Dabissa, and E. Bulte, "Joint Land Certification Programmes and Women’s Empowerment: Evidence from Ethiopia", Journal of Development Studies, 2017, pp. 1-19.
- Mercier M. and P.Verwimp, "Are We Counting All the Poor? Accounting for the Intra household Allocation of Consumption in Burundi", Journal of Demographic Economics, 83, 3, 2017, pp. 307-327.
- Meyer C. and M. Hudon, "Alternative Organizations in Finance: Commoning in Complementary Currencies", Organization, 24, 5, 2017, pp. 629-647.
- Meyer S., L. Holzemer, T. Nyssens, and K. Maréchal, "Rethinking Energy Poverty Measurement in Europe: Lessons from Belgium", Research & Social Science, forthcoming.
- Oosterlinck K., "Art as a Wartime Investment: Conspicuous Consumption and Discretion", Economic Journal, 127, 607, 2017, pp. 2665–2701.
- Oxelheim L., T. Randøy, and B. Hearn, "The Institutional Determinants of Private Equity Involvement in Business Groups - The Case of Africa", Journal of World Business, forthcoming.
- Pascal D., R. Mersland, and N. Mori, "The Influence of the CEO’s Business Education on the Performance of Hybrid Organizations: The Case of the Global Microfinance Industry", Small Business Economics, 49, 2, 2017, pp. 339–354.
- Pekerti A., Q.H. Vuong, T.M. Ho, and T.T Vuong, "Health Care Payments in Vietnam: Patients’ Quagmire of Caring for Health versus Economic Destitution", International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14, 10, 1118, 2017, p. 1-23.
- Pekerti A., Q.H. Vuong, and N.K. Napier, "Double Edge Experiences of Expatriate Acculturation: Navigating Through Personal Multiculturalism", Journal of Global Mobility, 5, 3, 2017, pp. 225-250.
- Pham H.H., K. Farrell, H.M. Vu, and Q.H. Vuong, "Using YouTube Videos to Promote Universities: A Content Analysis", Technics Technologies Education Management, 12, 1, 2017, pp. 58-72.
- Postelnicu L. and N. Hermes, "The Economic Value of Social Capital", International Journal of Social Economics, 45, forthcoming.
- Ranganathan S., S.C. Nicolis, R. Bali Swain, and D.J.T. Sumpter, "Setting Development GoalsUsing Stochastic Dynamical System Models", Plos One, 12, 2, 2017.
- Reichert P., "A Meta-analysis Examining the Nature of Trade-offs in Microfinance", Oxford Development Studies, forthcoming.
- Scaillet O., "On Ill-posedness of Nonparametric Instrumental Variable Regression with Convexity Constraints", The Econometrics Journal, forthcoming.
- Sekkat K., "Urban Concentration and Poverty in Developing Countries", Growth and Change, 48, 3, 2017, pp. 435-458.
- Sodjahin A., C. Champagne, F. Coggins, and R. Gillet, "Leading or Lagging Indicators of Risk? The Informational Content of Extra-financial Performance Scores", Journal of Asset Management, 18, 5, 2017, pp. 347-370.
- Storme M. And P. Çelik, "Career Exploration and Career Decision Making Difficulties: The Moderating Role of Creative Self-efficacy", Journal of Career Assessment, forthcoming.
- Storme M., P. Çelik, A. Camargo, B. Forthmann, H. Holling, and T. Lubart, "The Effect of Forced Language Switching during Divergent Thinking: A Study on Bilinguals’ Originality of Ideas", Frontiers in Psychology, forthcoming.
- Storme M., P. Çelik, and N. Myszkowski, "Career Decision Ambiguity Tolerance and Career Decision Making Difficulties in a French Sample: The Mediating Role of Career Decision Selfefficacy", Journal of Career Assessment, forthcoming.
- Supanantaroek S., R. Lensink, and N. Hansen, "The Impact of Social and Financial Education on Savings Attitudes and Behavior Among Primary School Children in Uganda", Evaluation Review, 2017, forthcoming.
- Tackx K., S. Rothenberger, and P. Verdin, "Is Advertising for Losers? An Empirical Study from a Value Creation and Value Capturing Perspective", European Management Journal, 35, 2017, pp. 327-335.
- Tchakoute Tchuigoua H., "Which Types of Microfinance Institutions Decentralize the Loan Approval Process?", Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, forthcoming.
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- Toma C., V. Yzerbyt, V. Corneille, and S. Demoulin, "The Power of Projection for Powerless and Powerful People: Effect of Power on Social Projection is Moderated by Dimension of Judgment", Social Psychological and Personality Science, 8, 2017, pp. 888-896.
- Vanpoucke E., A. Vereecke, and S. Muylle, "Leveraging the Impact of Supply Chain Integration Through Information Technology", International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 2017, pp. 510-530.
- Verwimp P. and J.C. Munoz Mora, "Returning Home after Civil War: Food Security and Nutrition among Burundian Households", Journal of Development Studies, 2017, pp. 1-22.
- Voors M., P. Van Der Windt, K.J. Papaioannou, and E. Bulte, "Resources and Governance in Sierra Leone’s Civil War", Journal of Development Studies, 53, 2, 2017, pp. 278-294.
- Vuong Q.H., "Sociodemographic Factors Influencing Vietnamese Patient Satisfaction with Healthcare Services and Some Meaningful Empirical Thresholds", Iranian Journal of Public Health, 47, 1, 2018, pp. 119-126.
- Vuong Q.H., "Open Data, Open Review and Open Dialogue in Making Social Sciences Plausible", Nature: Scientific Data Updates, 2017. Vuong Q.H., "Learning to Love the Reviewer", European Science Editing, 43, 4, 2017, p. 83.
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Papers in Refereed National Scientific Journals
- Dissaux T. and C. Meyer, "L’apport des monnaies sociales à la microfinance: le cas des banques communautaires de développement brésiliennes", Revue d’Economie Financière, forthcoming.
Papers in Other Scientific Journals
- Ahishakiye H., E.N. Bigendako, and E. Niyongabo, "Impact des chocs exogènes sur l’efficacité de la politique monétaire au Burundi", Revue Economique et Monétaire, Banque de la République du Burundi, Bujumbura, 1, 1, 2017, pp. 1-51.
- Edmondson A. C. and P. Verdin, "Your Strategy should be a Hypothesis you Constantly Adjust", Harvard Business Review, 2017.
- Niyongabo E. and A. Nyobewumusi, "Comment améliorer le rôle de la microfinance dans le financement des Micro, Petites et moyennes Entreprises (MPME) au Burundi ?", Revue Economique et Monétaire, forthcoming.
- Vuong Q.H., "Mỹ cảm thi ca qua một lăng kính toán học", π Journal (Vietnam Mathematical Society), 1, 12, 2017, pp. 5-7.
- Vuong Q.H., "Vì sao toán học có thể cải thiện "Bước nhảy ngàn cân", π Journal (Vietnam Mathematical Society), 1, 11, 2017, pp. 46-48.
Papers in Refereed International Scientific Journals
- Alia H. and A. Ashta, "A Tale of Two Single-mothers: Understanding the Impact of Handicap through the Use of Diaries", SDMIMD Journal of Management, 7, 1, 2016, pp. 29- 39.
- Allet M., "Mitigating Environmental Risks in Microenterprises: A Case Study from El Salvador", Business & Society, 56, 1, 2017, pp. 57-91.
- Artis A. and S. Cornée, "Transformation informationnelle, certification et intermédiation financière: le cas de la banque solidaire", Systèmes d'Information et Management, 21, 3, 2016, pp. 93-131.
- Ashta A., "Dealing with Black Swan Events: An Interview with Vijay Mahajan, Founder and CEO of Basix", Strategic Change: Briefings in Entrepreneurial Finance, 25, 5, 2016, pp. 625-639.
- Ashta A., I. Demay, and M. Couchoro, "The Role of Stakeholders in the Historical Evolution of Microfinance in Togo", Economic History of Developing Regions, 2016, pp. 1- 42.
- Ashta A., C. Ghosh, S. Guha, and F. Lentz, "Knowledge in Micro-social Milieus: The Case of Microfinance Practices among Women in India", Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 2016, pp. 1-20.
- Attanasio O. and B. Augsburg, "Subjective Expectations and Income Processes in Rural India", Economica, 83, 331, 2016, pp. 416-442.
- Attanasio B., O. Attanasio, and B. Augsburg, "Holy Cows or Cash Cows", Economic Development and Cultural Change, forthcoming.
- Balemba E. and D. Bugandwa, "Internal Marketing, Employee Job Satisfaction and Perceived Organizational Performance in Microfinance Institutions", International Journal of Bank Marketing, 34, 5, 2016, pp. 773-796.
- Bali Swain R. and F.Y. Wallentin, "The Impact of Microfinance on Factors Empowering Women: Differences in Regional and Delivery Mechanisms in India's SHG Programme", Journal of Development Studies, forthcoming.
- Bajgrowicz P., O. Scaillet, and A. Treccani, "Jumps in High-frequency Data: Spurious Detections, Dynamics and News", Management Science, 62, 8, 2016, pp. 2198-2217.
- Beisland L., R. Mersland, and S. Zamore, "Motivations for Business Start‐up: Are There any Differences Between Disabled and Non‐disabled Microfinance Clients?", Journal of International Development, 28, 1, 2016, pp. 147-149.
- Botti F., M. Corsi, and C. D’Ippoliti, "Gendered Nature of Poverty in the EU: Individualized versus Collective Poverty Measure", Feminist Economics, 22, 4, 2016, pp. 82- 100.
- Brière M., V. Mignon, K. Oosterlinck, and A. Szafarz, "Towards Greater Diversification in Central Bank Reserves", Journal of Asset Management, 17, 4, 2016, p. 295-312.
- Brück T., P. Justino, P. Verwimp, A. Advenko, and A. Tedesco, "Measuring Violent Conflict in Micro-level Surveys: Current Practices and Methodological Challenges", World Bank Research Observer, 31, 1, 2016, pp. 29-58.
- Bulte E., R. Lensink, and N. Vu, "Gender Training and Female Empowerment: Experimental Evidence from Vietnam", Economics Letters, 145, 2016, pp. 117-119.
- Bumann S. and R. Lensink, "Capital Account Liberalization and Income Inequality", Journal of International Money and Finance, 61, 2016, pp. 143-162.
- Burietz A. and L. Ureche-Rangau, "A Modern Dyonisus’ Tale: New Evidence on the Greek Debt Crisis and the Related Costs", Economics Bulletin, 2016, pp. 1938-1950.
- Caire G., S. Nivoix, and P. Glémain, "Banques coopératives: de l'idéal solidaire à la réalité des salaires", RECMA-Revue Internationale d'Economie Sociale, 339, 2016, pp. 101-111.
- Campbell C., R. Chang, J. DeJongJr, R. Doktor, L. Oxelheim, and T. Randøy, "The Impact of CEO Long-term Equity-based Compensation Incentives on Economic Growth in Collectivist versus Individualist Countries", Asian Economic Papers, 15, 2, 2016, pp. 109- 133.
- Camponovo L., O. Scaillet, and F. Trojani, "Comments on: Nonparametric Tail Risk, Stock Returns and the Macroeconomy", Journal of Financial Econometrics, forthcoming.
- Cecchi F., J. Duchoslav, and E. Bulte, "Formal Insurance and the Dynamics of Social Capital: Experimental Evidence from Uganda", Journal of African Economies, 25, 3, 2016, pp. 418-438.
- Chuan-Zhong L. and R. Bali Swain, "Growth, Water Resilience, and Sustainability: A DSGE Model Applied to South Africa, Special Issue on Groundwater", Water Economics and Policy, forthcoming.
- Chisari O., A. Estache, and G. Nicodème, "Efficiency and Equity Effects of Taxing the Financial Sector: Lessons from a CGE Model for Belgium", FinanzArchiv, 72, 2, 2016, pp. 125-157.
- Cieslik K., "Moral Economy Meets Social Enterprise Community-based Green Energy Project in Rural Burundi", World Development, 83, 2016, pp. 12-26.
- Copestake J., Book review, "Sustainability and Wellbeing. Human-Scale Development in Practice", Development in Practice, 26, 4, 2016, pp. 522-523.
- Copestake J., A.M. O’Riordan, and M. Telford, "Justifying Development Financing of Small NGOs: Impact Evidence, Political Expedience and the Case of the UK Civil Society Challenge Fund", Journal of Development Effectiveness, 8, 2, 2016, pp. 157-170.
- Copestake J., S. Johnson, M. Cabello, R. Goodwin-Groen, R. Gravesteijn, J. Humberstone, M. Nino-Zarazua, and M. Titus, "Towards a Plural History of Microfinance", Canadian Journal of Development Studies/Revue canadienne d'études du développement, 37, 3, 2016, pp. 279-297.
- Cornée S., "The Relevance of Soft Information for Predicting Small Business Credit Default: Evidence from a Social Bank", Journal of Small Business Management, forthcoming.
- Cornée S., P. Kalmi, and A. Szafarz, "Selectivity and Transparency in Social Banking: Evidence from Europe", Journal of Economic Issues, 50, 2, 2016, pp. 494-502.
- Cornée S. and G. Thenet, "Efficience des institutions de microfinance en Bolivie et au Pérou: une approche data envelopment analysis en deux étapes", Finance Contrôle Stratégie, 19, 1, 2016, DOI : 10.4000/fcs.1768.
- Corsi M. and M. De Angelis, "Gender Discrimination in Microfinance? Some Evidence from Uganda", The Journal of Development Studies, 2016, pp. 1-18.
- Corsi M. and C. D’Ippoliti, "Le pensioni tra efficienza economica e giustizia sociale: un connubio possibile" (The Pensions System between Economic Efficiency and Social Justice: A Possible Mix), Moneta e Credito, 69, 274, 2016, pp. 227-250.
- Corsi M., F. Botti, and G. Guarini, "Lo Stato come ‘fornitore’ d’investimenti sociali" (State as Social Investments Provider), Moneta e Credito, 69, 273, 2016, pp. 89-108.
- Cozarenco A., M. Hudon, and A. Szafarz, "What Type of Microfinance Institutions Supply Savings Products?", Economics Letters, 140, 2016, pp. 57-59.
- Cozarenco A. and A. Szafarz, "Gender Biases in Bank Lending: Lessons from Microcredit in France", Journal of Business Ethics, 139, 676, 2016, pp. 1-20.
- Cuéllar-Fernández B., Y. Fuertes-Callén, C. Serrano-Cinca, and B. Gutiérrez-Nieto, "Determinants of Margin in Microfinance Institutions", Applied Economics, 48, 4, 2016, pp. 300-311.
- Daoud Y. and K. Sekkat, "Cross-country Comparative Analysis of SMEs’ TFP in MENA Region: A Firm Level Assessment", Middle East Development Journal, forthcoming.
- D’Aoust O., O. Sterck, and P. Verwimp, "Who Benefited from Burundi’s Demobilisation Program", World Bank Economic Review, 2016, lhw033, doi: 10.1093/wber/lhw033.
- De Cao E., M. Huis, S. Jemaneh, and R. Lensink, "Community Conversations as a Strategy to Change Harmful Traditional Practices against Women", Applied Economics Letters, 24, 2016, pp. 72-74.
- D'Espallier B., J. Goedecke, M. Hudon, and R. Mersland, "From NGOs to Banks: Does Institutional Transformation Alter the Business Model of Microfinance Institutions?", World Development, 89, forthcoming, pp. 19-33.
- D’Espallier B., M. Hudon, and A. Szafarz, "Aid Volatility and Social Performance in Microfinance", Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, forthcoming.
- Deschamps C. and J. Mattijs, "Sustainable Goal Setting: a Large-scale Case in Management Practice", International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, forthcoming.
- Deschamps C., N. Rinfret, M.C. Lagacé, and C. Privé, "Transformational Leadership and Change: How Leaders Influence Their Followers’ Motivation through Organizational Justice", Journal of Healthcare Management, 61, 3, 2016, pp. 194-212.
- Dinar Iskandar D., A. Bhaduri, T. Wünscher, M. Voors, M. Demont, and E. Bulte, "The Determinants of Compliance with Environmental Tax: Behavioural Study Motivated by the Case of Indonesia", African Journal of Agriculture and Resource Economics, 11, 1, 2016, pp. 33-46.
- Doligez F., J. Bastiaensen, F. Bedecarrats, and M. Labie, "L'inclusion financière, nouvel avatar de la libéralisation financière ? Introduction", Revue Tiers Monde, 225, 2016, pp. 9-20.
- Dorfleitner G., J. Gerer, and A. Gerl, "The Pricing Efficiency of Exchange-Traded Commodities", Review of Managerial Science, forthcoming.
- Dorfleitner G. and W. Gleißner, "Valuing Streams of Risky Cash Flows with Risk-value Models", Journal of Risk, forthcoming.
- Dorfleitner G., G. Halbritter, and M. Nguyen, "The Risk of Social Responsibility – Is it Systematic?", Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment, 6, 2016, pp. 1-14.
- Dorfleitner G., S. Just-Marx, and C. Priberny, "What Drives the Repayment of Agricultural Micro Loans? Evidence from Nicaragua", Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, forthcoming.
- Dorfleitner G. and M. Nguyen, "A New Approach for Optimizing Responsible Investments Dependently on the Initial Wealth", Journal of Asset Management, forthcoming.
- Dorfleitner G. and M. Nguyen, "Which Proportion of SR Investments is Enough? – A Survey based Approach", Business Research (BuR), 9, 2016, pp. 1-25.
- Dorfleitner G. and E.-M. Oswald, "Repayment Behavior in Peer-to-peer Microfinancing: Empirical Evidence from Kiva", Review of Financial Economics, 30, 2016, pp. 45-59.
- Dorfleitner G., C. Priberny, and M. Röhe, "Why do Microfinance Institutions Fail Socially? A Global Empirical Examination", Finance Research Letters, forthcoming.
- Dorfleitner G., C. Priberny, S. Schuster, J. Stoiber, M. Weber, I. de Castro, and J. Kammler, "Description-text Related Soft Information in Peer-to-peer Lending – Evidence from Two Leading European Platforms", Journal of Banking and Finance, 64, 2016, pp. 169- 187.
- Dorfleitner G., M. Röhe, and N. Renier, "The Access of Microfinance Institutions to Debt Capital: An Empirical Investigation of Microfinance Investment Vehicles", Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, forthcoming.
- Egarius D. and L. Weill, "Switching Costs and Market Power in the Banking Industry: The Case of Cooperative Banks", Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 42, 2016, pp. 155-165.
- Estapé-Dubreuil G., A. Ashta, and J-P. Hedou, "Micro-equity for Sustainable Development: Selection, Monitoring and Exit Strategies of Micro-angels", Ecological Economics, 130, 2016, pp. 117–129.
- Familiar I., B. Hall, T. Bundervoet, P. Verwimp, and J. Bass, "Exploring Psychological Distress in Burundi during and after the Armed Conflict", Community Mental Health Journal, 52, 1, 2016, pp. 32–38.
- Ferragina A., F. Mazzotta, and K. Sekkat, "Financial Constraints and Productivity Growth across the Size Spectrum. Microeconomic Evidence from Morocco", Eurasian Business Review, forthcoming.
- Forcella D. and M. Hudon, "Green Microfinance in Europe", Journal of Business Ethics, 135, 3, 2016, pp. 445-459.
- Fouillet C., I. Guérin, S. Morvant-Roux, and J-M. Servet, "De gré ou de force: le microcrédit comme dispositif néolibéral", Revue Tiers Monde, 225, 2016, pp. 21-48.
- François A. and L. Weill, "Does the Holding of Local Mandate Alter the Activities of Parliamentary Members? Evidence from the French Assemblée Nationale", French Politics, 14, 1, 2016, pp. 30-54.
- Fungacova Z., R. Nuutilainen, and L. Weill, "Reserve Requirements and the Bank Lending Channel in China", Journal of Macroeconomics, 50, 2016, pp. 37-50.
- Gagliardini P., E. Ossola, and O. Scaillet, "Time-varying Risk Premium in Large Crosssectional Equity Datasets", Econometrica, 84, 3, 2016, pp. 985-1046.
- Gagliardini P. and O. Scaillet, "A Specification Test for Nonparametric Instrumental Variable Regression", Annals of Economics and Statistics, Special Issue on "Inverse Problems in Econometrics", forthcoming.
- Garikipati S., I. Agier, I. Guérin, and A. Szafarz, "The Cost of Empowerment: Multiple Sources of Women’s Debt in Rural India", Journal of Development Studies, forthcoming.
- Garikipati S., I. Guérin, S. Johnson, and A. Szafarz, "Microfinance and Gender: Issues, Challenges and the Road Ahead", Journal of Development Studies, forthcoming.
- Garnero A., "Are Part-time Workers Less Productive and Underpaid? ", IZA World of Labor, 249, 2016, pp. 1-10.
- Garnero A., R. Giuliano, B. Mahy, and F. Rycx, "Productivity, Wages and Profits among Belgian Firms: Do Fixed-term Contracts Matter?", International Journal of Manpower, 37, 2, 2016, pp. 303-322.
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- Gooris J. and C. Peeters, "Fragmenting Global Business Processes: A Protection for Proprietary Information", Journal of International Business Studies, 47, 5, 2016, pp.535-562.
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- Guérin I., B. D’Espallier, and G. Venkatasubramanian, "The Social Regulation of Markets. Why Microcredit Fails to Promote Jobs in Rural South India", Development and Change, 46, 6, 2016, pp. 1277-1301.
- Gutiérrez-Nieto B., C. Serrano-Cinca, and J. Camón-Cala, "A Credit Score System for Socially Responsible Lending", Journal of Business Ethics, 133, 4, 2016, pp. 691-701.
- Gutiérrez-Nieto B., C. Serrano-Cinca, B. Cuéllar-Fernández, and Y. Fuertes-Callén, "The Poverty Penalty and Microcredit", Social Indicators Research, 2016, pp. 1-21.
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- Hearn B., L. Oxelheim, and T. Randøy, "The Institutional Determinants of Private Equity Involvement in Business Groups - The Case of Africa", Journal of World Business, forthcoming.
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- Hermes N., R. Lensink, C. Lutz, and U. Nguyen, "Trade Credit Use and Competition in the Value Chain: Evidence from Vietnam", Economics of Transition, 24, 4, 2016, pp. 765-795.
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- Huberman M., C. Meissner, and K. Oosterlinck, "Technology and Geography in the Second Industrial Revolution: New Evidence from the Margins of Trade", Journal of Economic History, forthcoming.
- Hudon M. and C. Meyer, "A Case Study of Microfinance and Community Development Banks in Brazil: Private or Common Goods?", Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 45, 4, 2016, pp. 116-133.
- Huybrechs F., J. Bastiaensen, D. Forcella, and G. Van Hecken, "La microfinance pour les services environnementaux. Enseignements en matière de politiques du Proyecto CAMBio au Nicaragua", Revue Tiers Monde, 225, 2016, pp. 125-154.
- Huybrechts J., W. Voordeckers, B. D'Espallier, N. Lybaert, and A. Van Gils, "The Board's Demography-firm Performance Relationship Revisited: A Bayesian Approach", Journal of Small Business Management, 54, 3, 2016, pp. 992-1007.
- Jackson K.T., "Cosmopolitan Jurisprudence for Economic Governance", Society and Business Review, 2016, pp. 276-296.
- Johnson S., "Competing Visions of Financial Inclusion in Kenya: The Rift Revealed by Mobile Money Transfer", Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 37, 1, 2016, pp. 83-100.
- Johnson S., "We Don’t Have this is Mine and this is his: Managing Money and the Character of Conjugality in Kenya", Journal of Development Studies, 2016, pp. 1-14.
- Karanja Ng’ang’a S., E. Bulte, K. Giller, J. McIntire, and M. Rufino, "Migration and Self-protection against Climate Change: A Case Study of Samburu County, Kenya", World Development, 84, 2016, pp. 55-68.
- Karanja Ng’ang’a S., E. Bulte, K. Giller, N. Ndiwa, S. Kifugo, J. McIntire, M. Herrero, and M. Rufino, "Livestock Wealth and Social Capital as Insurance Against Climate Risk: A Case Study of Samburu County in Kenya", Agricultural Systems, 146, 2016, pp. 44-54.
- Kampelmann S., "Mesurer l’économie circulaire à l’échelle territoriale: une analyse systémique des flux de matières organiques à Bruxelles", Revue de l’OFCE, 1, 145, pp. 161- 184.
- Kampelmann S. and F. Rycx, "Wage Discrimination against Immigrants: Measurement with Firm-level Productivity Data", IZA Journal of Migration, 5, 15, 2016, DOI: 10.1186/s40176- 016-0063-1.
- Kampelmann S., S. Van Hollebeke, and P. Vandergert, "Stuck in the Middle With You: The Role of Bridging Organisations in Urban Renovation", Ecological Economics, 129, 2016, pp. 82-93.
- Klein P-O. and L. Weill, "Why Do Companies Turn to Sukuk?", Review of Financial Economics, 31, 2016, pp. 26-33.
- Kleynjans L. and M. Hudon, "A Study of Codes of Ethics for Mexican Microfinance Institutions", Journal of Business Ethics, 134, 3, 2016, pp. 397-412.
- Konings J., F. Rycx, and V. Vandenberghe, "(Mis)Alignment of Productivity and Wages: Firm-level Evidence", International Journal of Manpower, 37, 3, 2016, i-v.
- Labie M., C. Laureti, and A. Szafarz, "Discipline and Flexibility: A Behavioural Perspective on Product Design in Microfinance", Oxford Development Studies, forthcoming.
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- Lebovics M., N. Hermes, and M. Hudon, "Are Financial and Social Efficiency Mutually Exclusive? A Case Study of Vietnamese Microfinance Institutions", Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 87, 1, 2016, pp. 55-77.
- Lensink R., R. Servin, and M. Van den Berg, "Do Savings and Credit Institutions Reduce Vulnerability? New Evidence from Mexico", Review of Income and Wealth, forthcoming.
- Lesanovska J. and L. Weill, "Does Greater Capital Hamper Cost Efficiency of Banks? A Bicausal Analysis", Comparative Economic Studies, 58, 3, 2016, pp. 409-429.
- Levy M. and A. Szafarz, "Cross-ownership: A Device for Management Entrenchment?", Review of Finance, forthcoming.
- Mahy B., F. Rycx, and M. Volral, "Are Workers Less Absent When Wage Dispersion is Small?", International Journal of Manpower, 37, 2, 2016, pp. 197-209.
- Marr A., A. Winkel, M. Van Asseldonk, R. Lensink, and E. Bulte, "Adoption and Impact of Index-insurance and Credit for Smallholder Farmers in Developing Countries: A Systematic Review", Agricultural Finance Review, 76, 1, 2016, pp. 94-118.
- Mazhar U. and P-G. Méon, "Taxing the Unobservable: The Impact of the Shadow Economy on Inflation and Taxation", World Development, 90, pp. 89-103, forthcoming.
- Ménard A-R. and L. Weill, "Understanding the Link between Aid and Corruption: A Causality Analysis", Economic Systems, 40, 2016, pp. 260-272.
- Meyer S., L. Holzemer, T. Nyssens, and K. Maréchal, "Rethinking Energy Poverty Measurement in Europe: Lessons from Belgium", Research & Social Science, forthcoming.
- Mireille Akoa Etoa J., S. Atanga Ndindeng, E. Sarpong Owusu, N. Woin, B. Bindzi, M. Demont, M. Voors, and E. Bulte, "Consumer Valuation of an Improved Rice Parboiling Technology: Experimental Evidence from Cameroon", African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 11, 1, 2016, pp. 8-21.
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- Nekhili M., K. Hussainey, W. Cheffi, T. Chtioui, and H. Tchakoute-Tchuigoua, "R&D Narrative Disclosure, Corporate Governance and Market Value: Evidence from France", Journal of Applied Business Research, 32, 1, 2016, p. 111.
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- Nguyen P.M. and Q.H. Vuong, "In Vietnam, Digital is Democratizing", CIMA - NED, 2016.
- Nillesen E., M. Voors, M. Demont, and E. Bulte, "Empty Cups? Assessing the Impact of Civil War Violence on Coffee Farming in Burundi", African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 11, 1, 2016, pp. 69-83.
- Oosterlinck K., "Art as a Wartime Investment: Conspicuous Consumption and Discretion", Economic Journal, forthcoming.
- Peillex J. and L. Ureche-Rangau, "Identifying the Determinants of the Decision to Create Socially Responsible Funds: An Empirical Investigation", Journal of Business Ethics, 136, 1, 2016, pp. 101-117.
- Périlleux A., A. Vanroose, and B. D’Espallier, "Are Financial Cooperatives Crowded out by Commercial Banks in the Process of Financial Sector Development?", Kyklos, 69, 1, 2016, pp. 108-134.
- Postelnicu L. and N. Hermes, "Entrepreneurial Success, Social Capital and Microfinance", Passerelles: Revue de Liaison Entre le Monde de la Recherche et le Terrain, 3, 2016, pp. 33- 35.
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- Sayinzoga A., E. Bulte, and R. Lensink, "Financial Literacy and Financial Behaviour: Experimental Evidence from Rural Rwanda", Economic Journal, 126, 594, 2016, pp. 1571- 1599.
- Scaillet O., "On Ill-posedness of Nonparametric Instrumental Variable Regression with Convexity Constraints", The Econometrics Journal, forthcoming.
- Sekkat K., "Exchange Rate Misalignment and Export Diversification in Developing Countries", The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 2016, 59, pp. 1-14.
- Sekkat K., "Urban Concentration and Poverty in Developing Countries", Growth and Change, forthcoming.
- Serrano-Cinca C. and B. Gutiérrez-Nieto, "The Use of Profit Scoring as an Alternative to Credit Scoring Systems in Peer-to-peer (P2P) Lending", Decision Support Systems, 89, 2016, pp. 113-122.
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- Sodjahin A., C. Champagne, F. Coggins, and R. Gillet, "Market Reactions to Changes in Corporate-financial Performance: Evidence from Canadian Firms", JAM, forthcoming.
- Tackx K., S. Rothenberger, and P. Verdin, "Is Advertising for Losers? An Empirical Study from a Value Creation and Value Capturing Perspective", European Management Journal, forthcoming.
- Taton M. and A. Drumaux, "A Cost-benefit Analysis of Euro 2016 Football Stadiums", Urban Studies, forthcoming. Tchakoute Tchuigoua H., "Buffer Capital in Microfinance Institutions", Journal of Business Research, 69, 9, 2016, pp. 3523-3537.
- Thunström L., J. Nordström, J. Shogren, M. Voors, M. Demont, and E. Bulte, "Healthy Meals on the Menu: A Swedish Field Experiment on Labelling and Restaurant Sales", African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 11, 1, 2016, pp. 63-68.
- Vandergert P., M. Collier, S. Kampelmann, and D. Newport, "Blending Adaptive Governance and Institutional Theory to Explore Urban Resilience and Sustainability Strategies in the Rome Metropolitan Area, Italy", International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, 8, 2, 2016, pp. 126-143.
- Verwimp P., "Foreign Fighters in Syria and Iraq and the Socio-economic Environment they Faced at Home: An Analysis of European Countries", Perspectives on Terrorism, 10, 6, 2016.
- Viet Cuong N., M. Van den Berg, and R. Lensink, "The Impact of Work and Non-work Migration on Household Welfare, Poverty and Inequality", Economics of Transition, 19, 4, 2016, pp. 771-799.
- Voors M., M. Demont, and E. Bulte, "New Experiments in Agriculture", African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 11, 1, 2016, pp. 1-7.
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- Voors M., T. Turley, E. Bulte, A. Kontoleon, and J. List, "Chief for a Day: Elite Capture and Management Performance in a Field Experiment in Sierra Leone", Management Science, forthcoming.
- Vuong Q.H., "Empirical Probabilities of (Non)optimal Healthcare Choice Conditional on Socioeconomic Status and Time Consumption", Indian Journal of Community Health, 28, 3, 2016, pp. 286-290.
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Papers in Refereed National Scientific Journals
- Dissaux T. and C. Meyer, "L’apport des monnaies sociales à la microfinance: le cas des banques communautaires de développement brésiliennes", Revue d’Economie Financière, forthcoming.
- Garnero A., S. Kampelmann, and F. Rycx, "Is Workforce Diversity Always Performanceenhancing? A Literature Review", Reflets et Perspectives de la vie économique, 2016, pp. 81- 91.
- Giuliano R., B. Mahy, S. Kampelmann, and F. Rycx, "Emploi temporaire et profits des firmes belges: une approche sectorielle", Reflets et Perspectives de la vie économique, 2016, pp. 57-69.
- Giuliano R., B. Mahy, F. Rycx, and G. Vermeylen, "La responsabilité sociale des entreprises permet-elle aux travailleurs sur-éduqués d’être plus productifs ?", Reflets et Perspectives de la vie économique, 55,4, 2016, pp. 93-104.
- Mahy B., F. Rycx, and M. Volral, "La dispersion salariale augmente-elle l’absentéisme au sein des firmes?", Reflets et Perspectives de la vie économique, 2016, pp. 71-80.
- Mahy B., F. Rycx, and V. Vandenberghe, "Productivité et salaires des 'groupes à risque' en Belgique", Reflets et Perspectives de la vie économique, 2016, pp. 5-9.
- Vermeylen G., "Mismatch éducatif, mismatch de compétences et salaires des travailleurs", Reflets et Perspectives de la Vie Economique, 55, 2, 2016, pp. 105-115.
Papers in Other Scientific Journals
- Ahishakiye H., E.N. Bigendako, and E. Niyongabo, "Impact des chocs exogènes sur l’efficacité de la politique monétaire au Burundi", Revue Economique et Monétaire, Banque de la République du Burundi, Bujumbura, forthcoming, pp. 3-41.
- De Meulemeester J-L., "La Grande Transformation de l’université européenne : la fin du modèle humboldtien", Vie de la Recherche Scientifique, 407, 2016, pp. 14-17.
- Goethals C., "Vers un essoufflement de la fièvre festivalière en Belgique ? ", Les @nalyses du CRISP en ligne, juin 2016, 10 p.
- Servet J-M., "Solutions liquides. Résistances dans l’après-capitalisme", Esprit, 2016, pp. 216-226.
- Servet J-M., "Propositions citoyennes de ‘monnaie pleine’. La monnaie comme bien commun", Banque et Stratégie. Cahier de prospective bancaire et financière, 345, 2016, pp. 24-28.
- Servet J-M., "Interdire aux banques commerciales de créer la monnaie", Les Dossiers d’Alternatives économiques, Réinventer la monnaie, 2016, pp. 48-51.
- Servet J-M., "Une lecture critique de l’Économie du bien commun de Jean Tirole", La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, 51 e année, 280, 2016, pp.102-107.
- Servet J-M., "Compte rendu de lecture: la microfinance et ses dérives: émanciper, discipliner ou exploiter", [Isabelle Guérin, Demopolis/IRD, 2015], Revue internationale PME, 29, 2, 2016, pp. 181-183.