Anne-Sophie V. Radermecker graduated in both art history (University de Liège, 2014) and Cultural Management (Université Libre de Bruxelles, 2012). In 2019, she defended an original PhD dissertation dedicated to the market for early Flemish paintings jointly supervised by Profs. Kim Oosterlinck and Didier Martens (Université Libre de Bruxelles - FNRS). She is also a B.A.E.F. fellow from Duke University (DALMI - Duke Art Law and Markets Initiative, 2019-2020) and a former lecturer at Erasmus University Rotterdam (Master in Cultural Economics & Entrepreneurship, 2020-2021). Since 2021, she benefits from a FNRS postdoctoral fellowship in Cultural Management at the Université libre de Bruxelles. Her main research interests deal with the art markets and the connections between art history and cultural economics. Her book entitled Anonymous Art at Auction was released in July 2021 (Brill, Studies in the History of Collecting & Art Markets).
Art markets | Economics of Informal Heritage | Interactions between museums and the art market | Art branding strategies | Cultural value | Expertise & authenticity issues
Cultural management | Economics of arts and culture | Quantitative art history
most representative publications
- A.-S. RADERMECKER (2021), Anonymous Art at Auction: The Reception of Early Flemish Paintings on the Western Art Market (1946-2015), Leiden/Boston: Brill (coll. History of Collecting & Art Markets 11).
- A.-S. RADERMECKER and F. ALVAREZ DE TOLEDO (2022), “The History of Art Markets: Methodological Considerations from Art History and Cultural Economics” International Journal of Digital Art History.
- A.-S. RADERMECKER (2021), “Art and Culture in the Covid-19 Era: For a Consumer-Oriented Approach,” SN Business & Economics 1(4): 1-14.
- A.-S. RADERMECKER (2020), “New Connoisseurship Facing the Art market. The Reception of Pieter Brueghel the Younger at Auction”, In A. Glauser, P. Holder, T. Mazzurana, O. Moeschler, V. Rolle, F. Schultheis (ed.), The Sociology of Arts and Markets. New Developments and Persistent Patterns. Palgrave Macmillan, 183–212.
- A.-S. RADERMECKER (2020), “Buy One Painting, Get Two Names. The Valuation of Collaborative Paintings in the Art Market,” Arts and the Market 10(2): 99–121.
- A.-S. RADERMECKER (2020), “The Market Reception of New Connoisseurship: Have Recent Advances in Art Scholarship Affected the Way of Buying and Selling Early Flemish Paintings?”, Nederlands Kunsthorisch Jaarboek 69: 339–72.
- A.-S. RADERMECKER (2020), “Artworks Without Names. An Insight into the Market for Anonymous Paintings,” Journal of Cultural Economics 43(3): 443–83.
- A.-S. RADERMECKER (2019), “Quand un nom vaut des millions. État et limite d’un marché fondé sur une économie du nom d’artiste,” Marges 28: 44-62.
- K. OOSTERLINCK, and A.-S. RADERMECKER (2019), “‘The Master of…’ Creating Names for Art History and the Art Market,” Journal of Cultural Economics 43(1): 57–95.
- V. GINSBURGH, A.-S. RADERMECKER, and D. TOMMASI (2019), “The Effect of Experts’ Opinion on Prices of Art Works. The Case of Peter Brueghel the Younger,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 159: 36–50.
- A.-S. RADERMECKER Voices of Culture. Structured Dialogue Between the European Commission and the Cultural Sector (2022). (Re)-Engaging Digital Audiences In The Cultural Sectors – Improving Audience Data (expert and editor).
- A.-S. RADERMECKER and S. DU ROY DE BLICQUY (2018), Le marché de l’art, Dossier du CRISP 89, 153 p. ISBN 978 2 87075 187 9