I am a professor of public management at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Brussels, Belgium. My main research interests include public sector management, communication and marketing, transparency and accountability issues, and place branding strategies.
Research fields
Public management | Communication in the public sector | Place branding and marketing
Transparency | Accountability | Place branding
most representative publications
- Performance Information, Racial Bias, and Citizen Evaluations of Government: Evidence from Two Studies, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Volume 31, Issue 3, July 2021, Pages 523–541. Porumbescu, G., Piotrowski S. & Mabillard, V. (2020).
- Open data and transparency: Opportunities and challenges in the Swiss context. Public Performance & Management Review 43(3): 662-686. Cahlikova, T. & Mabillard, V. (2020).
- Access to information in Benin: A case study. International Review of Administrative Sciences 86(1): 134-151. Mabillard, V., Kakpovi, B. & Cottier, B. (2020).
- Administrative openness and diversity in Swiss municipalities: How does local autonomy influence transparency practices? International Review of Administrative Sciences. doi: 10.1177/0020852318823278. Keuffer, N. & Mabillard, V. (2019).
- The less transparent, the more attractive? A critical perspective on transparency and place branding. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy 13(4): 348-359. Mabillard, V. & Vuignier, R. (2017).
- The complex relationship between transparency and accountability: A synthesis and contribution to existing frameworks. Public Policy and Administration 32(2): 110-129. Mabillard, V. & Zumofen, R. (2017).