Financial inclusion | Microfinance | Solidarity-based economy | Development studies | Economic geography
most representative publications
- Fouillet C. and S. Morvant-Roux, (2018), “Financial inclusion, a driver of state building in India and Mexico?”, International Development Policy, 10, 1.
- Fouillet C. and S. Morvant-Roux, (2018), “Au-delà de la microfinance, l’inclusion financière comme rouage de la construction de l’Etat”, in FARINET (ed.), Pour une socioéconomie engage. Monnaie, finance et alternatives, Garnier, Paris, 101-126.
- Fouillet C., Guérin I., Morvant-Roux S. and Servet J.-M., (2016), “De gré ou de force : le microcredit comme dispositive neoliberal”, Revue Tiers Monde, 225, 21-48.
- Guérin I., Fouillet C., Kumar S., Roesch M. and G. Venkatasubramanian, (2015), “Is the demand for microcredit in rural Tamil Nadu sustainable?” in I. Guérin, M. Labie and J.-M. Servet (ed.), The crises of microcredit, Zed Books, London, 73-91.
- Fouillet C., Hudon M., Harriss-White B., and Copestake J., (2013), “Microfinance studies: Introduction and overview”, Oxford Development Studies, 41, S1, S1-S16.