Tristan Dissaux is a postdoctoral fellow at the CERMi under the supervision of Professor Marek Hudon. His research focuses on the critical study of ongoing transformations of money and finance and their implications for society at large. More specifically, he investigates the role of monetary innovations for sustainable development, north and south. One of his main topics is the role complementary currencies could play in fostering local development and social cohesion.
Tristan holds a PhD in Development Economics from Lyon 2 University / Triangle research centre. His PhD thesis focused on monetary innovations used in Kenya, which unfold in mobile money systems such as “M-Pesa”, as well as in several local currencies implemented on the model of the “Bangla-Pesa”. These contrasted moneys have opposed natures and logics, and the thesis showed their various impacts and their different implications for poverty reduction policies (especially financial inclusion policies). This was based on data from field surveys part of a research project conducted for the French Agency for Development (AFD). Besides Kenya, Tristan also carried out research in Madagascar and Ghana. In France, he studied several local currencies, and participated in an evaluation mission commissioned by a local government body. Tristan has also been teaching different courses at university, business school and institute of political studies.
Tristan holds a PhD in Development Economics from Lyon 2 University / Triangle research centre. His PhD thesis focused on monetary innovations used in Kenya, which unfold in mobile money systems such as “M-Pesa”, as well as in several local currencies implemented on the model of the “Bangla-Pesa”. These contrasted moneys have opposed natures and logics, and the thesis showed their various impacts and their different implications for poverty reduction policies (especially financial inclusion policies). This was based on data from field surveys part of a research project conducted for the French Agency for Development (AFD). Besides Kenya, Tristan also carried out research in Madagascar and Ghana. In France, he studied several local currencies, and participated in an evaluation mission commissioned by a local government body. Tristan has also been teaching different courses at university, business school and institute of political studies.
Local development | Sustainability | Monetary Innovations
most representative publications
- Inclusion financière et liens sociaux: la monnaie entre marchandisation et mise en commun au Kenya, Mondes en développement, 2019, n° 185, (1), 83-108
- L’apport des monnaies sociales à la microfinance: le cas des banques communautaires de développement brésiliennes
Revue d'économie financière, 2016, n° 124, (4), 313-326