Ana Alicia Dipierri is a researcher at the CERMi-ULB and CEESE-ULB under the joint supervision of Marek Hudon and Tom Dedeurwaerdere (UCL). She holds an Aspirant fellowship of the FNRS.
Her topic of interest is the behavioral changes that occur in the food system towards sustainable development. More precisely, the objective of her PhD is to understand the changes in the behavior, the innovative solutions and the triggering motivations of several actors (i.e. small-scale and medium producers and enterprises, industrial actors, not-for-profit organizations, etc.), towards a sustainable development.
She holds a master’s degree in international development and economics (HTW Berlin, Germany), two post-diploma/licentiate degrees in marketing (UOC Barcelona, Spain) and international trade (UB Barcelona, Spain), and a diploma/licentiate in tourism development (UNCo Neuquen, Argentina).
Her topic of interest is the behavioral changes that occur in the food system towards sustainable development. More precisely, the objective of her PhD is to understand the changes in the behavior, the innovative solutions and the triggering motivations of several actors (i.e. small-scale and medium producers and enterprises, industrial actors, not-for-profit organizations, etc.), towards a sustainable development.
She holds a master’s degree in international development and economics (HTW Berlin, Germany), two post-diploma/licentiate degrees in marketing (UOC Barcelona, Spain) and international trade (UB Barcelona, Spain), and a diploma/licentiate in tourism development (UNCo Neuquen, Argentina).
Common Pool Resources | Sustainable Development | Sustainability
Sustainable Development | Sustainability | Food systems | Environment | Climate Change | Case study | Multi-method | Field experiments
most RECENT publications
- Dipierri A.A. and Zikos D., The Role of Common-Pool Resources’ Institutional Robustness in a Collective Action Dilemma under Environmental Variations, Sustainability, 12(24), 2020.
- Anh D. N., Leonardelli I. and Dipierri A.A., Assessing the Evidence: Migration, Environment and Climate Change in Viet Nam, International Organization for Migration, 2016.
- Dipierri A.A. and Zanfardini M., Indicadores de calidad en agencias de viajes receptivas, Aportes y Transferencias, (Argentina), Year 8, 2, 2004.