Britta Augsburg is Deputy Director of the development sector of the Institute for Fiscal Studies, the Centre for the Evaluation of Development Policies (EDePo), and an affiliated researcher at the United Nations University-Merit in Maastricht, the Netherlands.
Her research concentrates on understanding the effectiveness of programs and policies that tackle constraints to productivity of poverty affected individuals and households, with a particular focus on credit and technology adoption constraints. She has worked on a number of studies related to microfinance and particularly the effectiveness of this financial tool in achieving improved outcomes for the intended beneficiaries.
At present, a large part of her project portfolio focuses on sanitation technology – understanding information and financial constraints to uptake at the demand as well as the supply side. To this end, she is managing a number of large scale sanitation impact evaluation projects, primarily randomized field experiments, in India and Nigeria.
Her research concentrates on understanding the effectiveness of programs and policies that tackle constraints to productivity of poverty affected individuals and households, with a particular focus on credit and technology adoption constraints. She has worked on a number of studies related to microfinance and particularly the effectiveness of this financial tool in achieving improved outcomes for the intended beneficiaries.
At present, a large part of her project portfolio focuses on sanitation technology – understanding information and financial constraints to uptake at the demand as well as the supply side. To this end, she is managing a number of large scale sanitation impact evaluation projects, primarily randomized field experiments, in India and Nigeria.
Microfinance | Technology Adoption | Sanitation | Early Childhood Development
most representative publications
- Microcredit Contracts and Risk Diversification, Attanasio O., B. Augsburg & R. De Haas, Journal of the European Economic Association, forthcoming.
- Sanitation and Child Health in India, Augsburg B. & P.A. Rodríguez Lesmes, World Development, 107, pp. 22-39., 2018.
- Holy Cows or Cash Cows, Attanasio O. & B. Augsburg, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 66, 2, pp. 307-330, 2018.
- Subjective Expectations and Income Processes in rural India, Attanasio O. & B. Augsburg, Economica, 83, 331, pp. 416–442, 2016.
- The Impacts of Microcredit: Evidence from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Augsburg B., R. De Haas, H. Harmgart & C. Meghir, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 7, 1, pp. 183–203, 2015.