Isabelle Agier holds a PhD in Economics from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Brazil. She also graduated from the ENSAE and the Paris School of Economics (France). She has spent 5 years in Rio de Janeiro, including 4 years devoted to writing her thesis on the role of credit officers and the control for discrimination against women in loan allocation. Over that period of time, she cooperated with Vivacred, a NGO specialized in providing microcredit in Rio's favelas that recently joined the national Brazilian Programme CrediAmigo. Her research focuses on the dynamics of intra-household financial decision-making in India, in cooperation with Paris 1 University, the IRD (France), and CERMi.
Development Economics | Microfinance
most representative publications
- The Cost of Empowerment: Multiple Sources of Women’s Debt in Rural India, Garikipati S., Agier I., Guérin I. and A. Szafarz, Journal of Development Studies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 53 (5), pages 700-722, 2017.
- The Curse of the Trustworthier Sex: Gender-Discrimination in Microfinance, with A. Szafarz, accepted for presentation at the AEA meeting in Chicago, 2012.
- Microfinance and Gender: Is There a Glass Ceiling in Loan Size ?, with A. Szafarz, accepted for presentation to the Canadian Economics Association, 2011.
- The role of Credit Officers in the Performance of Micro Loans, first recipient of the Brazilian Banking Economics Prize (FEBRABAN 2010), The Economics of Transition.
- Microfinance and Women's Empowerment: Do Relationships between Women Matter? Lessons from Rural Southern India, with I. Guérin and S. Kumar, Oxford Development Studies.
- Child Gender and Parental Borrowing: Evidence from India, with I. Guérin and A. Szafarz, Economics letters.
- Subjectivity in Credit Allocation to Micro-Entrepreneurs: Evidence From Brazil, with A. Szafarz, Small Business Economics.
- Sources of women empowerment in India: Does borrowing matter ?, with I. Guérin and A. Szafarz.
- O papel do analista de crédito no desempenho dos contratos de empréstimos, Jornal Valor Economico, 2010.
- The gender of finance: Lessons from rural India, with I. Guérin.